My Crimes, My Sentence


Poem Commentary

  This verse came about this first week of Oct. 09 due to a fellow military barracks mate stealing my money cards to use them in criminal behavior. To cut a long story short, my testimony and proof becomes the final nail in his being locked away after too many charges that would not stick. I have pity for this person and his family but in that I feel it would best serve him and society if he was not free among the genral or military population. I also look in this piece at how we must all come to terms with the debt we carry, knowing that as you sow, so shall you reap.

My Crimes, My Sentence

Brick By brick, stone by stone,

I build my own prison,

From the inside out.

The night is coming down.


With every step I take,

The further back I slide.

The higher toward the sky I reach,

The further in my hole I climb.


Do my crimes resurrect me?

Written in blood, hear my testimony,

It tells the tale of the hell I traverse;

The making of a Saint in reverse.


My every choice is disturbed.

My reflection, is Dorian Gray

On the day he became his worst.

Of the last in line, I am the first.


My sentence is to know

Every blow, every lash,

Every cut or unjust act

In this life, I’ve inflicted.


I will feel every cubic millimeter,

Of pain experienced at my gain.

The cost of this loss fills in me,

Until each and every cell swells

In complete abject misery;

Like the casket's dirt pouring over me.


Only when I allow myself

To consume this unholy host,

Of every ghost that haunt

All of the lives I have ruined;

Only then may I begin

To know and see,

The far fringes

Of my blackened stream.


The lengths I will go

Are so far unknown.

My depths of depravity,

Are an abscess cavity.

Tear me out by the root

To face the dismal truth.

I hand twill my hanging noose.

It is strung above the gallows

Under the large Oak tree.


The hangman has become

My one honest friend,

For in the end he is the only man

Who will somehow understand,

As I approach my last solemn stand.

It is his judgment's fate, I long await,

For the simple release,

Given over by his means.

All the while my victims

Watch, cry, and yell,

In wild crazed revelry,

Upon my execution day.

May they be vindicated now,

If it might bring to my soul and thiers,

Some final and ever lacking peace.

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ginga commented on My Crimes, My Sentence


swiftbird, Certainly a poem of a harsh reality and the hangman's noose is the symbolic entity. Considering the subject matter you were very successful in creating an original poem that is of epic proportions. ginga



Epic is a grand compliment, greatly appreciated. This like most of my best work came in a fury of dictation like inspiration. The slight reworking help to convey my darkened view of some peoples lack of accepted boundaries.

PamelaALamppa commented on My Crimes, My Sentence


Dorian "Gray" - just a mini typo there. There is a lot of power in your words, and truly we do reap what we sow in life and lessons learned do indeed put us back on the right path - may the punishment fit the crime. ~Pamela



Correction made, thank you.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

swiftbird2C’s Poems (95)

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