'New' Years


  • Nostalgic
    • GeniusMan
    • When push comes to shove, conga lines can get pretty ugly.

    Poem Commentary

    If you think about it, we just experienced the same year as two years ago, we just gained more stuff, but we also lost more stuff. SO, it brings to question where are we now? I haven't written anything on here in a long time and if you don't understand it, that's okay. I'm an idiot, so you can ignore me. 'The word of fools, no matter how sweet, is no sweeter than an ass's urine.' I just made that up.

    'New' Years

    Here's to a New Year, an old year, the same year
         So much like last year, just slap another name there

    Here's to old subjects that gain new stories
    Here's to old stresses that found new worries
    Here's to new polish to covers old stains
    Here's to the old friends who gained new names
    Here's to old problems solved by new inventions
    that solved the new problems that came from the old ones
    Here's to old attitude, changed by new vision
    Here's to old objectives, that gave you new mission
    Here's to old pleasure, renewed once again
    Here's to old immorals renewed still as sins
    And here's to the future of last years demise
    Here's to the promise and those sweet wishful lies
    Here's to the tommorow, a nostalgic forward view
    that only leaves us with this new sense of old Deja Vu.

    Here's to a New Year that smells just like last year,
        An eternal loop, echoing, you just can't go past here

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    GeniusMan’s Poems (63)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Room of Thrones 0
    Once Again Missing You 0
    Untitled1 0
    Boogerfruits 0
    Stall 0
    The Lighthouse 0
    The Old Breath 0
    O, What Autumn Lovers Seek 0
    What('s) a Waste of Time 0
    What('s) a Waste of Time 0
    Innocuous Affirmations of True Visionaries 0
    Mark 0
    I Left the Lamp On in the Corner 0
    2 Kings 4:1-7 0
    Roxanne 0
    Cracked Lips 0
    Resolute 0
    English Minor 0
    The Second Fight 0
    My heart 0
    Slap Happy 0
    Alpha-Bet(a) and the Rest of Us 0
    Let me count the way I love her assets 1
    eltiT 3
    Thankful 0
    Trick or Treat 0
    Bend Over 0
    Isn't that Erotic? 1
    Fuck 0
    Spam 0
    Is this a poem? 0
    Senses most vowel 0
    Truth 0
    Logic and Love 0
    Where did Time go 0
    Next Best Thing 0
    Blame 0
    A Household of Utility 0
    Apologies From A Time Traveller 0
    The Games We People Play 1
    The Ten Commentments 0
    Love in the Classroom 0
    Snowed In 3
    Bemused 0
    This Poem is a Metaphor 0
    Spot the Difference 1
    Sinking, Yelling, Wearing Down 0
    First Ammendment; Speech 0
    Anonymous 0
    Spaces 0
    I {sort of} love you 0
    'New' Years 0
    Twisted 1
    The Teddy Bear Cares 0
    This poem's an alliteration 0
    n, Pronunciation
    The Pen 0
    Five 1
    Dark Poetry 2
    The Long Lost Word 0
    First Amendment; Religion 1
    The Poem I Made Up 0
    Teachers 1