First Amendment; Religion


  • GeniusMan
  • When push comes to shove, conga lines can get pretty ugly.

Poem Commentary

It's a satire, but I believe it to be true. There's no more Merry Christmas or Happy Hannukah. No, the world comprimise "to be fare," that we now celebrate Happy Holiday. I wonder what happens on this Happy Holiday, or the religous significance, but I must say, I celebrate Christ-mas (Not X-mas... whatever religion that belongs to as well) and I can't find a single card that will wish you one. That goes for Bunny Day as well, I mean, Easter...

First Amendment; Religion

I would say that I'm a christian
But I'd fear that I'd get sued
I can't say that I'm a christian
Unless I claim that I'm a jew
or a cathelic or a confuscist or a buddhist or hindu
or a daoist or silkhist or jainist or Druze
I cannot be a christian unless I'm  a scientologist, too.
I celebrate most every date,
'cause my religions always have stuff to do
It's all the same sermon
whether a muslim or a mormon
and I find all in between this paradox
that if unmentioned would be unorthidox
So evernight five times a day, I pray to all my lords
Jesus, Baal, Buddha, Satan, Zeus, Xenu and Thor
My religion says I should live my life
in peace, and joy and love
but the atheist part of me
says none of the above
We live in a world where we
don't want to make you mad
So to compromise, we recognize
all the religions that we have
But we also live in a world
where everying must be fair
An impossibe phenominaun
that we believe must be here
So live your life uniquely
and remember not to care
if someone states there opinion
please don't point and stare

This Country was founded christian
for it's a land of sky-born mana
and I don't think I'll find Ben Franklin
when I finally reach Nirvana

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tenderpoison commented on First Amendment; Religion


this is quite ingenious and witty...while at the same time making a powerful statement, one I wholeheartedly agree with. in a country that supposedly embraces diversity, why are we being forced to be so homogenized? 10

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

GeniusMan’s Poems (63)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Room of Thrones 0
Once Again Missing You 0
Untitled1 0
Boogerfruits 0
Stall 0
The Lighthouse 0
The Old Breath 0
O, What Autumn Lovers Seek 0
What('s) a Waste of Time 0
What('s) a Waste of Time 0
Innocuous Affirmations of True Visionaries 0
Mark 0
I Left the Lamp On in the Corner 0
2 Kings 4:1-7 0
Roxanne 0
Cracked Lips 0
Resolute 0
English Minor 0
The Second Fight 0
My heart 0
Slap Happy 0
Alpha-Bet(a) and the Rest of Us 0
Let me count the way I love her assets 1
eltiT 3
Thankful 0
Trick or Treat 0
Bend Over 0
Isn't that Erotic? 1
Fuck 0
Spam 0
Is this a poem? 0
Senses most vowel 0
Truth 0
Logic and Love 0
Where did Time go 0
Next Best Thing 0
Blame 0
A Household of Utility 0
Apologies From A Time Traveller 0
The Games We People Play 1
The Ten Commentments 0
Love in the Classroom 0
Snowed In 3
Bemused 0
This Poem is a Metaphor 0
Spot the Difference 1
Sinking, Yelling, Wearing Down 0
First Ammendment; Speech 0
Anonymous 0
Spaces 0
I {sort of} love you 0
'New' Years 0
Twisted 1
The Teddy Bear Cares 0
This poem's an alliteration 0
n, Pronunciation
The Pen 0
Five 1
Dark Poetry 2
The Long Lost Word 0
First Amendment; Religion 1
The Poem I Made Up 0
Teachers 1