Let me count the way I love her assets


  • GeniusMan
  • When push comes to shove, conga lines can get pretty ugly.

Poem Commentary

This is meant to be read more allowed than in your head. If you're in a public place, don't read it allowed because people will neve look at you the same. It is prefered to be read by me out loud, but if you can do Morgan Freeman, I guess you'll do. Also, I don't want you to think I'm partial to butts over breasts or that I would stoop so low as to objectify a woman, like all men do..... so yeah. But, I want you to focus on the fact that it's satire and humor and that I'm not really a creep, I swear. I swear! Come on, Babe, don't leave. It was a joke. I was kidding. No sweety, don't go. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! OH COME ON! WHY!? WHY!? I'll call you!

Let me count the way I love her assets

I have a friend, she's beautiful
Her beauty outshines the rests
Because she has this long brown hair
And two large female br...      brightened eyes, and that nose is definantly
                                                                    pretty cute and womanly too

Now, some men only want her body
But that would be just rude
Do they like her for that long brown hair
or is it those big bouncing boo... booming conversation contributions 
                                                              that she gives when she talks?

I don't know, I'm partial to all
Her eyes, her smile, her lips
Her character, attitude, long flowing hair
But also those large plumped t... lips... did I already say lips? Oh I did, my bad.

All in all, she's a beautiful gal
I wish to someday be suitor
And though I guess I've been dodging to say it
I really do love her h.... Hiney... I know, I'm sorry, but I'm with Sir Mixs-A-Lot. 
                                                I sure do love those back ends
                                  It's probably not what you were thinking and I'm sorry
                         I shouldn't objectify women like that, but that's what men do
                                        Her nose is still pretty cute though                  And I do think she brings up some good points in our talks
                                                                like... um ...
                                                                       ... well ...
                                                                            ...     ...
                                                                                i'm an awful person.

Poem Comments


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am2anangel commented on Let me count the way I love her assets


This was great loved it. Had me laughing. It was almost like I could hear the words and see the facial expressions. well done. -Tonya



Thank you, I didn't even realize. Your central typing on your poems and rhythmatic transitions are quite potent in conveying a to-the-point emotional ideal. They're pretty good.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

GeniusMan’s Poems (63)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Once Again Missing You 0
Untitled1 0
Boogerfruits 0
Stall 0
The Lighthouse 0
The Old Breath 0
O, What Autumn Lovers Seek 0
What('s) a Waste of Time 0
What('s) a Waste of Time 0
Innocuous Affirmations of True Visionaries 0
Mark 0
I Left the Lamp On in the Corner 0
2 Kings 4:1-7 0
Roxanne 0
Cracked Lips 0
Resolute 0
English Minor 0
The Second Fight 0
My heart 0
Slap Happy 0
Alpha-Bet(a) and the Rest of Us 0
Let me count the way I love her assets 1
eltiT 3
Thankful 0
Trick or Treat 0
Bend Over 0
Isn't that Erotic? 1
Fuck 0
Spam 0
Is this a poem? 0
Senses most vowel 0
Truth 0
Logic and Love 0
Where did Time go 0
Next Best Thing 0
Blame 0
A Household of Utility 0
Apologies From A Time Traveller 0
The Games We People Play 1
The Ten Commentments 0
Love in the Classroom 0
Snowed In 3
Bemused 0
This Poem is a Metaphor 0
Spot the Difference 1
Sinking, Yelling, Wearing Down 0
First Ammendment; Speech 0
Anonymous 0
Spaces 0
I {sort of} love you 0
'New' Years 0
Twisted 1
The Teddy Bear Cares 0
This poem's an alliteration 0
n, Pronunciation
The Pen 0
Five 1
Dark Poetry 2
The Long Lost Word 0
First Amendment; Religion 1
The Poem I Made Up 0
Teachers 1