First Ammendment; Speech


  • GeniusMan
  • When push comes to shove, conga lines can get pretty ugly.

Poem Commentary

It's funny because 'mean' has multiple 'mean'ings... It can 'mean' rude, a description, or an average. The world is supposed to be mean (an average), but Golly Gee, if anyone ever gets mean (rude or offensive) then it's awful. Honestly, the reason I made this poem was because I wanted to make a sequel or at least, another First Ammendment poem. I know it's not as good as the first one, but there were so many ways I could've taken this poem, and the three ways I did are proudly spaced out.

First Ammendment; Speech

Welcome to America
a country vocally ventured,
and I can say 100%
that we can speak [statement censored]

See, we wouldn't want to hurt anyone
We must sympathize those that're known
We must band up and speak for each other
Heaven forbid that anyone feel alone
When I say  that someone's slutty,
I only mean they're slightly sensual
When I say they're gay I have to mean,
a happy homosexual...
When I say something grotesque
It's demeaning, don't disregard
When you call someone a retard
it's demeaning to the retards
And I wouldn't want to offend,
if I got mad at anybody
I'll just inhumanely, somehow store it,
And then I'll further out my studies

If you don't act politically correct
then there's things that we must do
If you speak out agains the gays,
it only means that you'll get sued
Same with blacks or whites or yellows or reds
or purples, blues or greens
You can say whatever you want, as long
As no one finds it "mean"

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

GeniusMan’s Poems (63)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Room of Thrones 0
Once Again Missing You 0
Untitled1 0
Boogerfruits 0
Stall 0
The Lighthouse 0
The Old Breath 0
O, What Autumn Lovers Seek 0
What('s) a Waste of Time 0
What('s) a Waste of Time 0
Innocuous Affirmations of True Visionaries 0
Mark 0
I Left the Lamp On in the Corner 0
2 Kings 4:1-7 0
Roxanne 0
Cracked Lips 0
Resolute 0
English Minor 0
The Second Fight 0
My heart 0
Slap Happy 0
Alpha-Bet(a) and the Rest of Us 0
Let me count the way I love her assets 1
eltiT 3
Thankful 0
Trick or Treat 0
Bend Over 0
Isn't that Erotic? 1
Fuck 0
Spam 0
Is this a poem? 0
Senses most vowel 0
Truth 0
Logic and Love 0
Where did Time go 0
Next Best Thing 0
Blame 0
A Household of Utility 0
Apologies From A Time Traveller 0
The Games We People Play 1
The Ten Commentments 0
Love in the Classroom 0
Snowed In 3
Bemused 0
This Poem is a Metaphor 0
Spot the Difference 1
Sinking, Yelling, Wearing Down 0
First Ammendment; Speech 0
Anonymous 0
Spaces 0
I {sort of} love you 0
'New' Years 0
Twisted 1
The Teddy Bear Cares 0
This poem's an alliteration 0
n, Pronunciation
The Pen 0
Five 1
Dark Poetry 2
The Long Lost Word 0
First Amendment; Religion 1
The Poem I Made Up 0
Teachers 1