TwistedAce’s Profile

  • Age: 36
  • Location: Fredericksburg, VA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I am truly a writer at heart and thoroughly enjoy writing meaningful thought provoking poems and songs. Please keep in mind I have never studied poetry and do not follow the rules. I simply write what's on my mind at the time :) If you enjoy my work please feel free to visit my web page at to listen to some of the music i have made. I will sincerely appreciate any feedback that i get as long as it's an honest opinion. Feel free to send me a friend request both on here and myspace. Thank you so much for all your comments. I try to respond to them all but if i don't have enough time to i'm sorry, i do read all of them thoughl :) Thank you for visiting my page and have a wonderful day :)


Profile Comments

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Justrick profile comment


Thanks for wanting to get to know me....I do have a deeper side....

Skite profile comment


Hello there warm wishes 4 a merry xmas..skit3

starfire316 profile comment


i like your contacts i used to have the same ones. I would love for you to read some of my stuff i like all kinds of comments.

Skite profile comment


Hola, we always missed e/a other but im here dont go 2 long kinda missed u 2....:)

Tempestlady profile comment


Where you been? Tell me more, miss your rhythm and your rhymes. Put a litle somethin down, i need something good to read. Take it easy...............Tlady

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

TwistedAce’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Sentiments 2
Uncertainty 4
ted provision
y misunderstood
/A different aspect
Restoration 110
My Unborn Child 122
Cat & Mouse 68