O, Divine Heart


Poem Commentary

This is a very, very long poem it is over 400 lines.

O, Divine Heart

Take a breath, a breath of innocence
swallow down with one single gulp
the words you left under your tongue
O, autumn air how you dance
but it's not your beauty I adore
it's the foliage of creation
upon God's earthly landscape floor
falls harvest is still sleeping
under the branches of the sky
nights eternal dreams awaking
to find no open eye
catch the dreamer in his silence
his snore's alarm the sleeping bride
upon the drift of oceans sailing
is a heart that's open wide 
tossed by waves, tears of salt
a memory of those words that died
seeking the lands of the lost
the sun has come and dried
all emotions from my face
but the beauty cannot be erased
oh no, it must be saved, saved like grace
O, great depths speak no more
for I know what you'll say
that you have spolied the only way
with salty pears preserve,
this only dream I know
and these words I will conserve
like energy unburned, like a fire with no flame
O, divine heart that I deserve
is their any other name
I know of many, but they are not the same
Does it take only a single breath
to ressurect the Son of God
If I had only one word left
only one left to say, I would say.....
O,divine heart lead the way
but then I've used more than a breath
and I've said more than a word

Can I even find a word to display
the glory of everything he's made
Now speak nothing but truth
for truth is all I have spoken
and leave not my tongue broken
but piercing words enter into this heart open
but likea bullet I stand tested
and I think of how He was arrested
led away to calvary's hill
to carry out his father's will
O, divine heart that I thank
for these cherished dreams that brought peace
and let not this heart sink
sink deep into the ocean's depths
only to be left, thinkin' what would be
O, divine heart take me to the temple 
this life on earth, you have made it simple
with your comforting words and greaceful mind
their is none other as majestic or divine
O, divine fire which lit my soul ablaze
I come before you humble and amazed
your words paint the beauty I now see
this heart of mine , you set it free
Now filled with many words, jumbled in my brain
Can any of them cover this stain
or even pay the cost,
for the man on calvary we lost
but lost He is not, only death gave Him back
and now residing in the skies
upon a throne of stars

Speak to me, speak to this heart
oh, your words they move in ways unknown
speak to me. speak to this dark world
and let all thy love be shown

speak in a tone, a comforting tone 
and never let this heart feel alone
speak in atone, a solace tone
and lead me to your divine home

breathe upon me, breathe upon this flesh
come inside this heart and bless
breathe upon me, breath upon my soul
let me feel thy spirit flow

Spirit blow, O, spirit blow
upon this soul that you know
Spirit blow, O, spirit blow 
heaven's winds that you control

Oh upon these knees of mine I fall
fall to the earth that rests below
and it is now when you call
for your mighty winds to blow

Ring the bell my dear
so that my heart will awake
let praise fill every ear
and beauty never forsake

O, divine heart full of grace
I obey your words of command
one day I hope to see your face
and touch these gentle hands

I could wait years for tomorrow to come
but let me not wait years for the son
for the sooner it is , the sooner I know
that your blood will continue to flow

oh sweet words opf heaven
oh sweet tears of grace
a lil' girl only seven
has asked about your place

my daughter needs you to bless
this heart of mortal flesh
and love she will embrace
when the angels she does chase

please spirit blow, please spirit blow
and all things I ask, please show
please spirit blow, please spirit blow
you hold heaven's winds in your control

these eyes  that watch from skies above
they twinkle like stars and gaze like love
awestruck by beauty, awestruck by shine
O, mortal heart come to thee divine

O, mortal flesh which tasted the wound
saw the pierced flesh of sacrificed doom
the world it speaks, this world it screams
this world it sleeps , this world it dreams

it dreams, oh yes it dreams
it dreams of a world unseen
a world that rests in skies above
controlled by a God of love

O, blessed soul, let salvation fill my heart
you were here before I knew myself
from your love I could never part
and go worship soemone else

your love is the reflection in the mirror
the eternal dreams of bliss I see clearer
your eyes are diamonds that crystalized
the beauty of this heart leaves me mesmerized

hope for slavation is never lost
I'm leading this world to the cross
I'm pouring out my convictions to this earth
a dreamer, a believer, since my day of birth

O, faithful this is a heart of gold
refined by the fires that you control
O, faithful this is a heart that's true
all the glory and praise I give to you

O, redeemer what shall I give
have I given enough to live
O, redeemer what do you deem worthy
that I a sinner can call you holy

the only supreme existence that's real
I know in my heart, this is love I feel
down to the very deepest cores
I sweat your blood from my pores

O, Majestic Ruler of painted skies
I see through the hues of life
through windows as dark as night
I can still see your glimpse of light

O, Graceful are these the final years
the last dawning era of listening ears
Why have we been silenced, when we are free to speak
Why do we resort to violence, to send down the weak

this is the age of turmoil and war
an era unlike any before
great destruction is coming, beware the signs
this is the age of the end times

Did we even know the end was here 
but father how can we hide our fear
I know we need to trust in glory
a new chapter is unfolding to the story  

The enemy is on his way, to darken your heart
the enemy will be relentless, from the start
His name is Satan, the Prince of Lies
that brimstone fire burns within his eyes

Help guide my heart to love
to seek the righteous one above
O, Faithful can you restore
the bond of peace and love we had before

let no war ever sever our ties
I will not fall with the frontlines
let no devil ever stand in my way
your teachings Lord I will forever obey

So when this heart is ready to fail
I'll make sure the King of Heaven is hailed
and when this heart no longer beats
I'll be on my way to march on heaven's streets

O, Risen Lord who conquered the grave
every heart on earth you came to save
your divine heart beats within me
and your undying love sets me free

Open my heart, I open my heart
the waves of emotion strike like a dart
piercing beauty and gazing stares
awestruck by amazing glares

O, Merciful Maker who blesses
my aching heart it confesses
to loving only you and you alone
your mercy and grace it came to atone

Open my eyes , Lord please open my eyes
let them seek the God of the skies
open my eyes, open them to see you
I know Lord that your gospel is true

your gospel sets my heart on fire
your gospel of grace is what I desire
I will praise your divine heart
I've loved it ever from the start

ever since I accepted Jesus Christ
I've strived to put Him first in my life
I was fourteen when I committed
to a relationship that's been forever fitted

fit like a puzzle piece, fit like a rhyme
fit into the mold of His design
O, Faithful your heart is so divine
O, Beautiful Lord you are forever mine 

PART II  ____________________________

stretching hands span across the skies
gazing eyes look upon with surprise
you are the one forever extolled
and you are the keeper of my soul

bleeding heart and a bleeding side
pierced by the spear and opened wide
you are the faithful, Lord you are the faithful
and for you I am thankful, yes for you I am thankful

an open mouth still digesting truth
words of empowerment, words of proof
I'm coming to an understanding
of the greatest gift that is so outstanding

O, Great Counselor, heaven's holy rabbi
your love strikes with more force than a samurai
is their really any way else to explain
I've covered everything from beauty to pain 

Your love O, Faithful it's off the chain
you hold the key to this heart you tamed
you are so merciful and you are redeeming
your love deep within this heart succumbing

Your love leaves my head spinning
into a whirlwind I'm back at the beginning
I was thrown off the path, now I'm winning
I was losing till I hit the ninth inning

O, Wonderful creator bless this world
bless every boy and every lil' girl
bless the faithful and the forgiven
bless those in heaven and those still liven'

O, Lord I ask that you find favor
in blessing me with the world's savior
you are the mighty rock I lean upon
and you teach the weak to become strong

teach me Lord, teach me your ways
so I can praise you all of my days
teach me Lord, teach me to pray
so I will always know what to say

You have blessed me with this great gift
and to you theses hands I lift
wether I be slow or I be quick
let it always be you Lord that I pick

listen to this heart beat, can you hear it tick
our relationship is perfect, I knew that we would click 
I knew that you had everything that I needed
and that your love could never be conceded

Part III

The perfect world in six days you completed
and kicked out the devil, he was defeated
these lungs of mine nevewr left depleted
I had the necessary air to breathe, I was treated 

I'd been cured of what you'd call a broken heart
love came into me and struck like a dart
the master creator of the most brilliant art
painted a picture so beautiful of my heart

I wa slost drifting in a world of utopia
I considered this love a cornucopia
a great fulfillment of enriching and molding lives
I was considering turning my wealth into tithes

Yet I was poor, but rich in godly health
my spiritual connections to God brought me wealth
not wealth of this world, but of another kind
one I am so thankful for, a gift that's so divine

I was breathing, I was bleeding
never brought down by the world, defeating
the giant was forcing me to surrender
but my love was so sweeter and tender 

I could feel His hands rest within mine
then I knew they were locked within the divine
i knew that feeling could never grow cold
for you my Lord I would gladly grow old

I would flip through every book of religion
and come to a defining decision
that their could be none other than you
their could be no gospel, other than what I knew

This is what I know is true
your scribed words are what got me through
I've been through the scorching fire
and for you I have walked the wire

Lord, your divine heart is what I desire
it's this peace of mind I hope to acquire
and every heart and poet that I inspire
Lord, may my world build an endless empire

A nation that rests within the heart of men
and I hold a dream that I see again 
I saw the blood that washed me of my sin
and I know I'll be with Christ in the end

O, divine heart where is the passion
Where is the faithful attraction
Where is this clestial beauty that reigns
Where is this God that Holds many names

So many names and so many titles
You Lord have lifted my spiritual vitals 
you Lord have left me to challenge myself
you have helped me discover my inner self

You among many have unravelled my mind
and unlocked the rhyme that I dig to find
find trapped beneath other words buried
through the ashes of time I've been carried

carried into the existence of fantatsy
drug away into the darkness of misery 
but I found my way back into reality
and I discovered the dreams of a memory

a memory that has stained this mind
and flowed into these veins behind
these closed eyes that darkness left blind
but I've been led back to this heart divine

I've been led down this road
this road I've walked so many times home
searching for this lost heart I knew
and I was always led back to you

I tried to draw a circle it became a line
I connected the two and watched it form a sign
a sign that led me down the road of righteousness
into the gates of celestial beauty of heaven's holiness 

it was your beauty that overwhelmed me
I was awestruck by your glory
I was moved by your convincing story
You are forever exalted, divine and holy

O, divine heart that beats so beautifully
it's sweet as honey and intune with the meoldy
intune with the vibes of heaven's trumpets loud
your song soothes like the softest cloud

it's like a pillow with the perfect slip
it's like a choir voice with the perfect pitch
it's likea dvd that would never skip
your love pulls me from the deepest ditch

Part IV

O, Lord I am convinced to scale
the tallest peak to which I shall prevail
Lord let me reach my goal and never fail
and when I reach it, I'll be sure to sail

as I drop to the oceans below
I will drift upon the winds I control
I hope to feel a reflection upon my soul
and for days to come, you I will extol

O, Glorious hero who restored my life
never could you be stripped of your beauty
O, Lord who suffered such strife
your stripes reveal your glory

Lord, this heart you've given me
it speaks to me and beats for thee
O, Lord this heart you blessed me with
it beats with joy and it beats with bliss 

O, Lord you could never be a myth
you are the true God of celestialness 
O< Lord your love stretches beyond widths
unimaginable to the deppest pits 

This Lord is my defining moment
a chapter, a masterpiece of atonement
I thought that i would never succeed
but you came and fulfilled my every need

I would like to hold a celebration
an exaltation of a king that saved this nation
I'm overwhelmed by your act of salvation
you've given me my heavenly invitation

This beautiful  poem is my love illustrated
a story of my faithful that I've elevated
into vast atmospheres consecrated
I fall in love once again, I'm so elated

Part V

The age of rhyme has yet to dissapear
my solemn vow to trace what is clear
with a pen as my brush
and words that I paint as I touch

this once white page turned to dust
it becomes like a nail that rusts
and the rushing winds will crush
as the whole world is left to hush

You will see my poetic gift in action
and this beating heart will find satisfaction
O, divine heart make for me an attraction
that's never less than half a fraction

Is there a reason I use my words
this ink filled intrument buliding verbs
phrases that build fairytales and dreams
a faithfulness thats been left unseen

Is their a meaning and truth that cuts clean
I've been livin' as aservant since I was fourteen
a servant, a soldier, a follower of Christ
you've been the blesser of eternal life

eternal life was the gift I was given
and by the blood I was surely forgiven
the center focal point of life's attention
Lord you've filled me with a divine intervention

Now I see a door opening wide
I catch a glimpse of light as I peek inside
it appears to be the temple of the holy 
and within those walls lie eternal glory

I walk down the hallway pacing
moving forward as heart is racing
your loving arms in reach of embracement
as I hold onto your gospel of testament

Your words of wisdom speak in ways explained
now I see this innocence you've stained
as these arms of yours are embraced
a new day, a new love can be faced

it's inside these doors that I find peace
to your love I yield , I will never cease
till my final breath is drawn
I will seek love until this life is gone

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gregster commented on O, Divine Heart


wow on the length...very great write ...i dont think i can write for that long..you have great skills bro

am2anangel commented on O, Divine Heart


hmm did you mention this was a long poem? lol! It was a visual pleasure to read even if it took a few reentries to get through it all. Your words paint a descriptive picture that the reader can see taste and feel. well done. -Tonya

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

winterkou’s Poems (300)

Title Comments
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The Whispers Are Getting Louder 3
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All The Colors of Love 1
O, Divine Heart 2
Spinnin' Again 1
Voice of Thunder 1
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A Poet's Paradise 2
A Ressurection of Screams 1
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State Of Emergency 1
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A God Like You 2
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Heaven Hear My Heartbeat 1
When God Smiles 2
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Selfish Lying World 1
Crashin' In 2 You 3
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Lord Of Heaven 1
No Longer Weak 1
Death's Final Plea 2
Shelter of Salvation 2
Sound the Alarm 2
Laudable 2
The Peacekeeper 1
The Dry Season 1
Kingdom of The Eternal Divine 2
The Long Journey Home 1
First Kiss 2
True Heart 2
Winter Now Welcomes Spring 2
Lord of Victory ( Celestial Awareness) 2
Mountain of Success 2
Love In The Fast Lane 1
In The Name Of 1
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Dracula vs Jesus Christ 3
The Keys to A Good Life 1
The First Hour of Life 1
2000 Years 1
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Hardcore Reality 1
Camelot Has Fallen, A New Kingdom Now Arises 1
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Truth Never Dies 1
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3:16 5
Love's Cherished Dreams 3
Wings of Grace 2
What Are the Odds 4
Dancing in the Heavens 2
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A Life Hanging by the Nails 2
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The Journey to Zion 2
The Almighty Speaks 2
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A Tribute to a Great Man 2
The Day that Felt Like A Year 2
Your Words are Razor Blades 6
Drifting Through A Dream 3
Sewing Our Hearts Together 4
I'm Not Finished Yet 4
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Questions 3
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In A World of Wars and Dreams 2
The Boy Who Played With Fire 2
Cradled In His Arms 4
Kissing the Darkness 15
A Casket of Dreams 4
s of Wonder
Satan's Dark Delight 3
Poetry Mountain 2
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The Lies of this World has Opened Truth's Eyes 3
The Bridge to Heaven 3
Stepping Into A World of Poetry 2
The Echoes of Winter 3
Seeking The Eternal With a Fervent Heart 1
The Heart of Christmas Continues to Beat 21
Paper god 3
At The End Of the Road 4
Lucky 2
Marching into Battle With the Heart of A Warrior 1
All of My Love (Beautiful Blessings) 2
This Love Is 3
The Stains of A Bleeding Heart 1
Remember, Daddy Loves You 1
The Holy Spirit of The Eternal God Shall Dwell Upon Us 2
Money Does Not Bring Happiness 2
The Cross Of Redemption 2
Just Another Rainy Day 5
Love Potion and Complex Dreams 5
The Four Letter Word 5
A Season of Love 2
Drowning In the Tears Of Pain 2
Axiom 2
Oh , Divine Beauty I Love 3
The Beauty of the Highly Exalted 10
Worshipping Your Majestic Beauty 6
Pain Upon my Soul 2
The Path of Sin 2
Intwined Inside the Thorns of A Beautiful Reality 5
A Crimson Blood's Hope" 2
Blue Skies Burn With Pain 2
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Dead Night of Evil 4
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Heaven is A Dream I'm Waiting to Capture 3
There Could be only One 1
Inhumane Acts of Brutality 4
Taking a Vow 2
Deadend of Despair 2
Oh, Winter Love 8
Walking In Righteousness 4
Backstabbers 4
A Poem for this Broken World 6
You Love to Hate Me 4
Sand Castles and Celestial Palaces 13
This Beautiful Earth 3
I made the Mistake of Loving You 7
Churches Don't always see Eye to Eye 4
Saving Every Kiss 4
My Angel In Heaven 3
Father Of Love 1
The Brutality of This World 2
Deadless Plight 1
Forever Extolled 2
The Day Poetry Died 2
Awaken My Muse 1
Can You Imagine 2
The Eyes Of A Dream 1
Insomnia 2
She Never Knew that She Was Beautiful 6
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The Death of This Love 2 2
My Master 1
Emperor of Everlasting Grace 2
I Love You God 2
Holy, Holy,Holy 3
Bleeding Between the Lines 1
Leaving it all Behind 1
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The Whore's Heart 4
Warning: Explicit Christian Content 4
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Untold Truth 3
Everlasting Friend (Bluprints for my Life) 3
Christian 1
Angels and Demons 3
Liquid Dreams Part II 1
The Graveyard 6
Liquid Dreams 3
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One More Day 3
Through the Eyes of A Father 4
Theres More than these Eyes can see 1
Kaliedoscopic Dreams 2
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Stand Up 1
One Leaf rides the Wind 3
My Hope is God 2
Playing in the Rain 2
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Acts of Destruction 5
Window of Life 2
Carousel of Love 3
The Exultations of Beauty 4
A Kiss From Heaven 2
Honor and Dignity 2
Forest of the Undead 2
The Bloodstains that Never Fade 2
A Wooden Cross on A Bloody Hill 2
Revealing Beauty through My Words 4
The Way 2
When I Close my Eyes 5
When Hearts and Handguns Collide 5
A Winter's Love is Springtime Bliss 3
The Death of This Love 3
Finding God In A World so Far From Truth 5
I've Travelled An Endless Road to Nowhere 3
Mending A Broken Heart Torn by Thorns of Pain 2
Soular Powered by the Son 2
Brutal is this Silence, But Deadly is this game 2
The Worlds philosophies are A Lie 1
Writing A Love Song 1
Broken Hearts are like Broken Dreams 3
My Lord, My God 2
A Heart that Rides the Oceans Tides 3
Seeing into the Eyes of Beauty 5
What is Left to Cherish 3
One Drop of Blood 3
I've never felt such A Love As This 2
Tenants of the Dark 3
The Silence of a Teardrop 4
When Doom and Darkness Embrace 3
Nature's Beautiful Wrath 2
Hell's Hot Breath Upon thy Lips 1
Was this Love , Or were you playing with my Heart 1
Curse of Eternal Darkness 3
In the Depths of Forgiveness 3
Sitting Beneath the Ashes 2
Torn by Tragedies 1
Bliss and Beauty 4
A New Season awakes 3
The Girl Who Wanted to Be An Angel 4
Driven into Damnation 4
Underneath the Bridge 3
Your Love is Beautiful 3
Truth v.s. Evolution v.s. The World 4
3 Nails Was His Fate 4
Well Of Romance 6
Ever Forgotten Beauty 2
The Secret of Love 6
Destroying the Daylight 4
Becoming My enemy 3
World for the Damned 3
Bridge of Death 2
A Scepter Of Dreams 5
Love Is 7
The Bloodlines Wev'e Severed 5
Hells Immortality 5
Eulogy 6
Hope 4
In a Wilderness of Dreams 4
Awakening to Silence 1
The Woods of Perpetual Darkness 4
Satans Revenge 4
A Moment Like This 3
Looking deep into the eyes of Love 1
A Tragedy Brings Hope 1