I Remember You, Dad


  • Family
    • Mandi
    • I am here, heart in hand, ready to share time and poems ith anyone who will give me the time in their day.

    I Remember You, Dad

    From first memories of popscicles
    And a walks in the park,
    of kittens and puppies,
    and fireworks after dark.
    I remember you, Daddy.

    I remember:
    You always came
     home for lunch
    then, kissed Mom goodbye
    when you left saying:
    "See you later"
    I remember you,Dad.

    I remember:
     Sitting down for
     supper and you saying
    "Who wants to hear the
    story of my Navy career?
        "We do, Dad," we'd cry.   
    I remember you, Sailor.

     I remember:
    My first year away to school
    You wrote to me without fail,
    a letter, and an envelope filled
    with bobbypins, chewed pencils,
    fresh gum,and a nail.
    Boy, do I ever remember you, Dad.

    I remember:
    My first birthday
    away from home, at 25.
    You called and sang
    Happy Birthday
     over the phone.
    Yes, I remember you, Dad.

    I remember:
    So many things, so many years,
    So many smiles, so many tears.
    So many things not written here.
    Let me make it perfectly clear...
    I'll always remember you, Dad.

    I'll remember:
     The fountain where we went for walks,
    And the man with whom I had long talks.
    I am who I am because
    you were strong.
    And, today, now that you are gone,
     Though I may be sad,
    I will have my happiest memories
    when I remember you, Dad.

    Poem Comments


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    REGINA2 commented on I Remember You, Dad


    A very touching poem. I have been there myself and feel your pain. If you ever need a friend to talk to, I am here.

    almartin1993 commented on I Remember You, Dad


    i love this... itys starts as a child calling him daddy, and then moving a little older to dad then when you can give him credit of his career you call him sailor his believed to true name then back to dad his true nme ids daddy and he knows that always be his baby no matter how buig how old or how long since either of you has spoken...

    ISWASALWAYS commented on I Remember You, Dad


    Losing a loved one (especially a father) for me at least is an ordeal. I lost mine before I was four hold on to and cherish all of those memories. Just recently started writing again...... and posted a poem 33-12 which I would be honored for you to read.



    thank you for taking the time to read my poems

    bluewolf commented on I Remember You, Dad


    I lost my father Sept. 25 going on 15 years ago. This poem sums up the love of a daughter for her father. Very moving.

    ummi commented on I Remember You, Dad


    This is a very touching writing Mandy. You convey the true love and admiration you have for your dad.... it is beautifully written and I enjoyed reading it - Thank you and Salam (peace)

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Mandi’s Poems (99)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heart in Hand 2
    Incapacitated 2
    Heaven 0
    All Alone At The Plate 0
    Moon Man 0
    Happy Halloween! ! ! 1
    Ah,Ha! 1
    Sometimes We Should Listen to Friends 1
    Destiny 1
    undeclared love 1
    Search On 1
    There's a candle burning bright in my window tonight... 2
    The Searcher 3
    And 'The World's in Ttheir Hands? 1
    When Young Dreams Die 6
    The Garden 4
    Letting Go 1
    Confusion 3
    And, So, Life Goes (C'est la Vie) 1
    Would you still leave me? 2
    Till I Knew You 4
    A Good Day 6
    A Little White Lie 3
    ~ ~ Cindy's Garden ~~ 2
    The Wheezy, Sneezy Wabbits 2
    Into the Azure Blue Sky (original) 1
    Ode to a Grecian.... ahh, I mean, to Diet Orange Crush 3
    Life Goes On 3
    love pending... 1
    And then I said.... 1
    On The Outside Looking In 3
    In One Fell Swoop... 6
    A Part of the Crowd 3
    That's the Story of My Life 4
    I Think I'm Gonna' Write a Book 8
    I Am She 7
    Acceptance 11
    And So.... Let This Be Said! 9
    This Is My Kingfdom 7
    Darling 7
    Rose by the Sea` 7
    Into the Azure Blue Sky 22
    final act 5
    On July 24th, 2010 4
    Forsaken? 8
    Silence of the Lambs 5
    Rise Up From Slumber 10
    Conversion 3
    Shades of Kevin 8
    hello out there.... 12
    Now If That Ain't Love, I Don't Know What Is! 7
    The Man Who Kept the Law 9
    Tell Me Little Baby what do you see? 9
    My Last Everything 17
    In The Pink 14
    Making the Cut 8
    Letter To An Unnamed Lover 7
    Where the Trolls Live 11
    Three Little Girls and the Witch's Tower 9
    Sunrise of Life 4
    Is Anyone Like Me? 11
    Waiting 8
    Beautiful Bella 4
    A Place in the World 4
    Friend 4
    Welcome to the Family 2
    Devotion 2
    Reflections 6
    Just One of Those Days 3
    Mother 1
    Destiny 1
    Dreamland 1
    Grandaughters 4
    The Prairie Highway 4
    Play Ball? 4
    When Day is Done 4
    When Peonies Last Bloomed in the Garden 2
    Longing 4
    On Angel's Wings 3
    Frustration 2
    I Am Too Smart 1
    Too Late 3
    bon jour 1
    Limerick for a Cop 2
    The Gift 5
    Heaven's Tide 2
    I Remember You, Dad 6
    The Girl and the Lonely Heart / Romancing the Girl 4
    The Third Street Bridge 1
    Missing Little Things 1
    Secrets 6
    Eden 6
    Crying Babies 3
    Game of Life 3