

  • Family
  • ,
  • Love
    • Mandi
    • I am here, heart in hand, ready to share time and poems ith anyone who will give me the time in their day.


    With the passing of copius amounts of time
    While writing of our love with measure and rhyme
    There are secret bells that chime
    Within my heart,
    The tingling begins,
    When you enter the room.
    You may have a multitude of sins
    But because it's you,
    All are forgiven.

    Here take my heart, take my soul,
    I am useless, have no control
    Over what I think or what I say.
    You just seem to affect me in that way.

    Then comes the time,your heart locks me out,
    Please, tell me what this is all about!
    I almost lose my mind,
    For another love you did find.
    Will my heart...
    withstand pain of this kind?

    In glorius shades of warmth, the sun
    Drops down behind the day's run
    across the land the shadows are long.
    I fear I've lost you.
    I hear the clock loudly tick
    and my stomach rolls as if I'm sick.

    Then you return through the bedroom door
    My aching heart begins to soar
    Carrying a bundle across the floor
    Coming close, you step up on toe
    To kiss my cheek and try to show
    What have you here?
    All wrapped up in swaddling clothes.

    Overwhelming love flows through me
    As I bend down to finally see
    Who has stole my lover's heart
    But brings us together, to never part
    It fulfills our dream of a family's start

    Peeking out from the blanket's fold
    Are two brown eyes and a turned up nose
    With lashes so long for a butterfly kiss
    Brushed on soft pink cheeks
    Who be this darling Little Miss?
    Is it you who took my place?
    Why it is our daughter, 
          Bella Grace. 






    Poem Comments


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    REGINA2 commented on Darling


    I love this poem, yet I feel your pain. You are not alone, remember that. If you need a friend, I am here.

    Altair commented on Darling


    loved it...that is all I can reallly say in response to reading this..



    thank you for that

    winterkou commented on Darling


    You certaintly have a way with words , very sweet poem indeed.

    gogant commented on Darling


    A darling of a poem, Mandi. You write a beautiful song of love for one's child........could there be anything so sweet...................g

    SuSpence commented on Darling


    What a lovely and endearing poem Mandi, I especially loved the last two stanza's, this my be my personal favourite of yours thus far! Love is grand, whether it is a lover a child or a friend, it warms the heart and gives us butterflies. Peace and Love, Spence



    don't lie ! You already had butterfliles! good luck to ya!and thanks for the vote

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Mandi’s Poems (99)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heart in Hand 2
    Incapacitated 2
    Heaven 0
    All Alone At The Plate 0
    Moon Man 0
    Happy Halloween! ! ! 1
    Ah,Ha! 1
    Sometimes We Should Listen to Friends 1
    Destiny 1
    undeclared love 1
    Search On 1
    There's a candle burning bright in my window tonight... 2
    The Searcher 3
    And 'The World's in Ttheir Hands? 1
    When Young Dreams Die 6
    The Garden 4
    Letting Go 1
    Confusion 3
    And, So, Life Goes (C'est la Vie) 1
    Would you still leave me? 2
    Till I Knew You 4
    A Good Day 6
    A Little White Lie 3
    ~ ~ Cindy's Garden ~~ 2
    The Wheezy, Sneezy Wabbits 2
    Into the Azure Blue Sky (original) 1
    Ode to a Grecian.... ahh, I mean, to Diet Orange Crush 3
    Life Goes On 3
    love pending... 1
    And then I said.... 1
    On The Outside Looking In 3
    In One Fell Swoop... 6
    A Part of the Crowd 3
    That's the Story of My Life 4
    I Think I'm Gonna' Write a Book 8
    I Am She 7
    Acceptance 11
    And So.... Let This Be Said! 9
    This Is My Kingfdom 7
    Darling 7
    Rose by the Sea` 7
    Into the Azure Blue Sky 22
    final act 5
    On July 24th, 2010 4
    Forsaken? 8
    Silence of the Lambs 5
    Rise Up From Slumber 10
    Conversion 3
    Shades of Kevin 8
    hello out there.... 12
    Now If That Ain't Love, I Don't Know What Is! 7
    The Man Who Kept the Law 9
    Tell Me Little Baby what do you see? 9
    My Last Everything 17
    In The Pink 14
    Making the Cut 8
    Letter To An Unnamed Lover 7
    Where the Trolls Live 11
    Three Little Girls and the Witch's Tower 9
    Sunrise of Life 4
    Is Anyone Like Me? 11
    Waiting 8
    Beautiful Bella 4
    A Place in the World 4
    Friend 4
    Welcome to the Family 2
    Devotion 2
    Reflections 6
    Just One of Those Days 3
    Mother 1
    Destiny 1
    Dreamland 1
    Grandaughters 4
    The Prairie Highway 4
    Play Ball? 4
    When Day is Done 4
    When Peonies Last Bloomed in the Garden 2
    Longing 4
    On Angel's Wings 3
    Frustration 2
    I Am Too Smart 1
    Too Late 3
    bon jour 1
    Limerick for a Cop 2
    The Gift 5
    Heaven's Tide 2
    I Remember You, Dad 6
    The Girl and the Lonely Heart / Romancing the Girl 4
    The Third Street Bridge 1
    Missing Little Things 1
    Secrets 6
    Eden 6
    Crying Babies 3
    Game of Life 3