final act


  • Death
    • Mandi
    • I am here, heart in hand, ready to share time and poems ith anyone who will give me the time in their day.

    final act

    It is just a few moments now
    Before the Final Curtain.
    I can't believe it is here
    It is early, of that, I am certain.

    I always thought I'd be ready
    To perform the final scenes
    But here we are at the threshold
    I am not sure what it all means.

    It is no doubt there are some
    Who really don't give a damn
    Whether they ever knew me,
    But will watch to just see who I am.

    There are others who will relish
    In the fact that I'll be gone
    A few might even care some
    But, will easily move on.

    One or two nice people
    Who really will miss my wit
    To them I am eternally grateful
    Without them Heaven would not admit.

    But most people who knew me, will,
     I hope, think of me now and start
    To remember me fondly as
    A person who gave from the heart


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    labitch commented on final act


    a bit altruistic...but that is not a bad thing, I just can't pull it off...I really liked this!!!

    ApaqRasgirl commented on final act


    I loved that one dear, wonderful write with so much feelings in it.....a couple of small typos but like me I do it a lot does not hurt it at all........loved it asha

    lonewolf commented on final act


    this is beautiful. fitting to read as a eulogy at a funeral.... perhaps someday, mine



    some days I can put things together well... this must have been one of those days

    angel33614 commented on final act


    beautifully touching poem with such great insight, very introspective, bravo! Gives one much to ponder to say the least, I think such thoughts cross the minds of many during their last curtain call. The eternal question of what is life, what was the point, will we be remembered, will we be remembered and what for? I will quote a good friend, "the love you send is equal to the love you recieve", I think this is where our memory will lend. The light and love od one's soul is what lives on as the eternal candle in the long night. If one lived for the light and passion of love and spread it to those around them than this fire continues on, even in the absence of our presence. Truely as long as your memory lives on in the hearts of those who loved you, your eternal flame shall never grow dim. When you find yourself being carried by the reaper across the river stix, you will find the light of your love and to those around you have placed the token of the fairman to cross the river and into the very gates of heaven's keep. I don't know you but I can see you as clear as glass that your heart hols such a light that becomes eternal in the winds of time... Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL aka the poem buster



    you truly are an angel

    winterkou commented on final act


    Hey I enjoyed this write. Nice work I'll give you a 10



    thank you fer responding as I thought everyone was ignorring me!

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Mandi’s Poems (99)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    Incapacitated 2
    Heaven 0
    All Alone At The Plate 0
    Moon Man 0
    Happy Halloween! ! ! 1
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    Sometimes We Should Listen to Friends 1
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    A Good Day 6
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    Acceptance 11
    And So.... Let This Be Said! 9
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    Into the Azure Blue Sky 22
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    A Place in the World 4
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    Welcome to the Family 2
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