ummi’s Profile

there is always a reason for things to happen the way it does, although we do not necessarily understand it ....

  • Age: 57
  • Location: Bronx, NY
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I believe in gaining wisdom from my experiences during this journey on earth. Bad experiences as well as good experiences are for a reason and at the end, there is always something good to learn from it. Humans, animals, nature ..... are all connected and by tuning and learning from others (other creations) than oneself is the key for tolerance, respect, mercy, compassion, unity. All that we are going through in life is for a reason set by our creator before we were even created.
My philosophy will reflect on my writing enormously as it is a way for me to express my thoughts and share it with whomever enjoys to read and reflect.


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

ummi’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
At the sprinklers 1
I remember.... 2
Natural contradiction
Ummi (mom) 0
He, the gentle prophet 0
The recovery 0
Political fabrication 0
Just passing by… 0
Let me out! 0
Desert's endurance 0
Motherly yours 0
Within the shell 0
Let peace be! 0
Gecko my friend! 0
The maze of life 0
Quite mind 3
The glimpse of a dream 1
The drops of nature 1
The wonderful feeling of Ramadhan 1
Live conscious 1
Life's balance 3