

  • Lost Love
    • TilMyLastBreath
    • Lost in that Sunset forever (July 19, 2007), Why did you leave me on that roof?


    Too strict and unforgiving she left me
    The pain of that moment keeps reemerging
    Try to clarify, define and elaborate to my friends what happened
    But they don’t understand and draw conclusions
    So now I keep it to myself, a Hidden Self
    Never to reveal the story or feelings again
    Secretly reliving traumatic events over the lose of her Love
    Unreasonable and always painful
    It’s my private experience I keep to myself,
    My thoughts, my feelings and desires to get her Love back
    The subconscious teases me with dreams of her loves return
    What was justified in braking my Heart
    My tone of voice, gestures and posture tell my friends I’m still hurting
    Yet they never ask
    My habits and mannerisms tell them I need their help
    Yet not one is willing to give me the comfort I need
    So my posture around them changes and my silence over takes them
    Even if I ignore them
    Can’t help it when around other people
    Maybe I’ve just been turned into an unknown self
    If the one’s I choose to be in my life can’t be confided in
    Then who do I seek out
    For comfort, advice, maybe a little understanding if not some Understanding

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    angel37 commented on Disclosure


    I understand.... you should take as long as you need

    connsk8 commented on Disclosure


    I think we all get to a point where we try to act the way others or society feels is appropriate but what is not how we feel, we still hurt inside, or grieve a loss, no one can decide for you when you are ready to move on, it is your choice and yours alone to make, beautifully written and expressed, I'm glad I stumbled across your work, thank you and hope it gets better..

    EvilEyes commented on Disclosure


    Excellent poem and truly felt in my heart...

    bforibus commented on Disclosure


    u kno it might be ur own scenario that only cud be played out for you, but the emotion is universal and im sure anyone can bleed with u on this one. very gud job

    allenjermy commented on Disclosure


    I really like this poem. Its a self description of all your pain and lost love and the privite stuggle you go thru everyday, trying to heal yourself,a 10...A winner...Don Folks

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    TilMyLastBreath’s Poems (48)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Hole Story 1
    Her Last Poem 1
    Their Last Rose 0
    Last Walk Through The Desert 0
    Ruins of the Heart 1
    Lost Mind 0
    The Memory 0
    Candle Lit Dinner 0
    Blue Dress 0
    Deployment 2011 0
    Leo and Torris 2
    Bull Shit 0
    Another 0
    My Life 0
    Blue Ink 0
    Gift From GOD 0
    From Pieces to Hole again 1
    Different 1
    Tragic Writer 1
    Long Sleep for the Hearts wait... 1
    Prince Charming's Walk 1
    Under the Blue Moon (a dance for her) 0
    Still 5
    The Sweetest Guy 5
    Sunday 2
    Hidden Tracks 1
    Al Fallujah Chapel 3
    Where he lays to rest 2
    Trying To Understand 2
    Disclosure 5
    A Broken Hearts friends 8
    Pain 3
    The Goodbye Dance 1
    Good Bye 3
    Decisions 2
    Lost Keys 3
    Why He Dances 6
    Lie Down 1
    Calm Down 1
    Loves bitter wait 1
    Desert Sunset : 4
    ---Now--- 1
    Dancing to bring her back... 2
    Forbidden Action 2
    Where I stand right now... 3
    You made, you 3
    Voices attacking the Heart 1
    Candle 3