

  • Lost Love
    • TilMyLastBreath
    • Lost in that Sunset forever (July 19, 2007), Why did you leave me on that roof?


    Dim lit candle shines alone
    Beautiful in its stand against the dark
    Surrounded by cold but still warm inside
    Drops of wax fall down the stick like small tears
    As the small light fights to stay bright
    At the center of the flame, the wick
    The very heart of the light
    Without it there is no burn
    And the flame has no desire to become smoke
    A skeleton of what once was
    The candle wishes not to die
    The candle wishes to embrace the match that lit its flame and started its shine
    That single act of life, Love, kindness, and the bond forged in the heat of the very heart
    Drop of wax, light dim, wick at its end, the candle burned its self out
    The smoke cry’s a tale of what once was Perfect…

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    allenjermy commented on Candle


    I like this one very much, is this the first one you posted on here... My Angel dont know the words i write here for her, just like you and your love.Its hard to keep afloat, to breathe each day. Keep up the beautiful work...Don Folks

    bforibus commented on Candle


    It's a perfect mixture of destruction and gain. like the death of someone but the birth of something new. until the end of the cycle. im not sure if u are talking about love or life but very gud poem.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    TilMyLastBreath’s Poems (48)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Hole Story 1
    Her Last Poem 1
    Their Last Rose 0
    Last Walk Through The Desert 0
    Ruins of the Heart 1
    Lost Mind 0
    The Memory 0
    Candle Lit Dinner 0
    Blue Dress 0
    Deployment 2011 0
    Leo and Torris 2
    Bull Shit 0
    Another 0
    My Life 0
    Blue Ink 0
    Gift From GOD 0
    From Pieces to Hole again 1
    Different 1
    Tragic Writer 1
    Long Sleep for the Hearts wait... 1
    Prince Charming's Walk 1
    Under the Blue Moon (a dance for her) 0
    Still 5
    The Sweetest Guy 5
    Sunday 2
    Hidden Tracks 1
    Al Fallujah Chapel 3
    Where he lays to rest 2
    Trying To Understand 2
    Disclosure 5
    A Broken Hearts friends 8
    Pain 3
    The Goodbye Dance 1
    Good Bye 3
    Decisions 2
    Lost Keys 3
    Why He Dances 6
    Lie Down 1
    Calm Down 1
    Loves bitter wait 1
    Desert Sunset : 4
    ---Now--- 1
    Dancing to bring her back... 2
    Forbidden Action 2
    Where I stand right now... 3
    You made, you 3
    Voices attacking the Heart 1
    Candle 3