Desert Sunset :


  • Lost Love
    • TilMyLastBreath
    • Lost in that Sunset forever (July 19, 2007), Why did you leave me on that roof?

    Desert Sunset :

    Looking up at a relentless fire, time goes by and it turns into a softer yellow that turns to gold and at sunset the sky would flame red and orange before it faded to purple and gave way to a carpet of stars . Stars that reminded me of you, like rain had washed away the dust from the skys . I sense your heart in the nights air, your with me these moments I find to be alone in this death striken land . And then a shooting star flys by as if you were telling me you missed me too . And out of the tail of the shooting star I see your eyes looking back at me , A connection with you is felt in the heart but as fast as you came you left and there I was alone again, and with every blink after that comes the sting of the moment , and all I want is you in my arms, I want to feel your love for me , through your tender lips as they kiss mine ...

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    Paradice21 commented on Desert Sunset :


    This is a very great poem. It makes me feel as if I am there seizing the moment with you. Nicely put!

    allenjermy commented on Desert Sunset :


    This one is a 10, i gave you a ten, this is beautiful and written very well. I have a shooting star momory with angel and i,looking up at the nights sky,in our new love together, like God smiled upon us for finding each other...Don Folks

    bforibus commented on Desert Sunset :


    very colorful and poetic. i enjoyed this one also

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    TilMyLastBreath’s Poems (48)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Hole Story 1
    Her Last Poem 1
    Their Last Rose 0
    Last Walk Through The Desert 0
    Ruins of the Heart 1
    Lost Mind 0
    The Memory 0
    Candle Lit Dinner 0
    Blue Dress 0
    Deployment 2011 0
    Leo and Torris 2
    Bull Shit 0
    Another 0
    My Life 0
    Blue Ink 0
    Gift From GOD 0
    From Pieces to Hole again 1
    Different 1
    Tragic Writer 1
    Long Sleep for the Hearts wait... 1
    Prince Charming's Walk 1
    Under the Blue Moon (a dance for her) 0
    Still 5
    The Sweetest Guy 5
    Sunday 2
    Hidden Tracks 1
    Al Fallujah Chapel 3
    Where he lays to rest 2
    Trying To Understand 2
    Disclosure 5
    A Broken Hearts friends 8
    Pain 3
    The Goodbye Dance 1
    Good Bye 3
    Decisions 2
    Lost Keys 3
    Why He Dances 6
    Lie Down 1
    Calm Down 1
    Loves bitter wait 1
    Desert Sunset : 4
    ---Now--- 1
    Dancing to bring her back... 2
    Forbidden Action 2
    Where I stand right now... 3
    You made, you 3
    Voices attacking the Heart 1
    Candle 3