Weight of the World...BEGONE!


  • Break Ups

    Weight of the World...BEGONE!

    Now that you're gone,
    Im so much better without you,
    I've found inspiration to write again,
    Something i havent been able to do in so long because of your ignorance.
    How about them apples?
    You think im crying over you, and yet here I am, writing away.
    You cant stop it, like youve always tried to
    My only release and you wanted to put an end to it
    Stupid bastard.
    I never needed you, never will.
    So cheers to you asshole,
    This is for you and your ignorant ways,
    You wanted my pants and you got my boot in your ass anyways.
    Pinning me down even when I say no,
    You had better hope for your own sake that you dont come back here.
    I wont be waiting,
    But my daddy will be...
    With his .22

    Thanks for dumping me, for the weight of the world has just been lifted off of my shoulders.

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    rougepriest commented on Weight of the World...BEGONE!


    Nice rant twin, wouldnt lose any sleep over it, they come and go a few times before ya get it right just concider it pracitce for the real deal lol, .22 aint much of a gun btw, get a .357 now that will do some damage hehe

    frazel5 commented on Weight of the World...BEGONE!


    KUDOS TO YOU GIRL!!!! very nice i couldn't keep myelf from chuckling! great job.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hole In My Chest 1
    Given Up 1
    Idk 1
    Emotional Roller Coaster 2
    Headache 3
    Momma 1
    Strength 1
    Army For The Heart 3
    Angst 2
    Weight of the World...BEGON
    Unkown Title 4
    Sick Feeling 5
    Untitled One 1
    My Medication 2
    Hold Me Tight 8
    Inside My Pen 5
    I'm the Type of Girl 8
    I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
    My Worth 3
    Not Refundable 1
    Lady in Waiting 7
    Forever 0
    Fantasies 1
    Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
    Broken Heart 3
    Lies and Deciet 2
    Done 0
    The World Started Spinning Today 4
    Wondering 1
    Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
    Because Of You 1
    Love 1
    Moving On 0
    Karma 3
    Suitcase 3
    Waiting For You 0
    Heart Shaped Portal 0
    I Cried For You 3
    Worries 6