Hole In My Chest


  • Depressed

    Hole In My Chest

    Theres this hole in my chest,
    Getting bigger and bigger with every stolen piece,
    take, take, take,
    instead of repairing you only caused more damage,
    break, break, break,
    you walked away,
    left me to pick up the shards of a broken heart,
    and you know what sucks so bad about it?
    Given the chance,
    I'd go back to all the b.s. and do it over and over again,
    just to be a broke tool you'll drop in the mud,
    you have no problem picking up another one and using it too,
    till it breaks,
    and then somehow you drop that one too.
    Use, Use, Use.
    What you don't realize is your the tool.
    One day you'll meet your maker who'll use you,
    then you'll know,
    what is like to be broken inside,
    hanging by a thread,
    and never being able to love,
    be yourself,

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    redbloodink commented on Hole In My Chest


    this was a powrful message.......... and to use .... you will get used....... nice Twine..... red

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hole In My Chest 1
    Given Up 1
    Idk 1
    Emotional Roller Coaster 2
    Headache 3
    Momma 1
    Strength 1
    Army For The Heart 3
    Angst 2
    Weight of the World...BEGON
    Unkown Title 4
    Sick Feeling 5
    Untitled One 1
    My Medication 2
    Hold Me Tight 8
    Inside My Pen 5
    I'm the Type of Girl 8
    I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
    My Worth 3
    Not Refundable 1
    Lady in Waiting 7
    Forever 0
    Fantasies 1
    Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
    Broken Heart 3
    Lies and Deciet 2
    Done 0
    The World Started Spinning Today 4
    Wondering 1
    Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
    Because Of You 1
    Love 1
    Moving On 0
    Karma 3
    Suitcase 3
    Waiting For You 0
    Heart Shaped Portal 0
    I Cried For You 3
    Worries 6