Unkown Title


  • Sadness

    Unkown Title

    My heart hangs by a broken hinge,
    Waiting to fall to the depths of the ocean of sorrows,
    Bruised and achy tenderness,
    Try as I may,
    I cannot seem to fill the voids,
    And my hearts desires remain ignored,
    Beauty torn from the shell of my still beating heart,
    Only leaving my sins and heartache,
    Through the cracks seeps emotions I've kept inside for so long,
    they spill over and yet no one seems to notice how broken I am,
    No one would know how to fix it even if they did Just happen to notice anyways,
    My stolen heart desperately needs to return to its cavity,
    Before time runs out.

    Poem Comments


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    rougepriest commented on Unkown Title


    its like so many i read here sophmoric and generic show me something new and exciting its like saying im hugry or i skinned my knee, what sins what heartbreak what emotions tried how how broken etc, pose not the questions unanswered dreamed, instead a medley not percieved

    1990lh commented on Unkown Title


    wow beautiful althought sad i fell ur pain/ nice write

    am2anangel commented on Unkown Title


    The pain and aching heart you display for all to see is evident in this piece. Your imagery very well portrayed. Sorrow and pain running abundantly. I enjoyed this work. Well done.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hole In My Chest 1
    Given Up 1
    Idk 1
    Emotional Roller Coaster 2
    Headache 3
    Momma 1
    Strength 1
    Army For The Heart 3
    Angst 2
    Weight of the World...BEGON
    Unkown Title 4
    Sick Feeling 5
    Untitled One 1
    My Medication 2
    Hold Me Tight 8
    Inside My Pen 5
    I'm the Type of Girl 8
    I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
    My Worth 3
    Not Refundable 1
    Lady in Waiting 7
    Forever 0
    Fantasies 1
    Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
    Broken Heart 3
    Lies and Deciet 2
    Done 0
    The World Started Spinning Today 4
    Wondering 1
    Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
    Because Of You 1
    Love 1
    Moving On 0
    Karma 3
    Suitcase 3
    Waiting For You 0
    Heart Shaped Portal 0
    I Cried For You 3
    Worries 6