Emotional Roller Coaster


Poem Commentary

I wrote this when I was going through a really hard time of losing someone i loved.

Emotional Roller Coaster

Emotional Roller Coaster

By: Jaycee M. Smith

You get a new gf for every month,

And it tears me apart,

Not that you would notice,

Or care for that matter.


I thought maybe there was a chance,

Then I slipped up and accidentally made it sound as if we were once more,

Word got back around,

You got scared,

Ran away,

Got a new girl,

So here I am,



Feeling dead inside,

Because I don’t know how to handle not loving you,

How to let you go,

In a few years you won’t be around anymore,

And it kills me to think about a world without you in it,

It just isn’t the same.


Why can’t you understand how much I love you?

Even through all the pain you’ve out me through.

I don’t care,

I still fucking love you,

And I can’t just stop,

I’m not just another heartless bitch,

Although sometimes I think it might be easier than having feelings at all.


My throat feels like it’s splitting in two,

From the words I want to scream at you,

The burning tears that I keep back,

So no one else has to see them.

Maybe it’s that you just don’t care,

Or that maybe you never loved me at all,

A hoax of epic proportions if you will.

A dirty joke to be played on me,

How many cracks does it take to break a heart?

So that all’s that’s left is a pile of dust?

Am I just the rebound girl?

Is that all I am really worth?


So this is what it’s like to wear your heart on your sleeve,

To be an Emotional Roller Coaster.

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redbloodink commented on Emotional Roller Coaster


So this is what it’s like to wear your heart on your sleeve.... I have a good friend in Ohio.... that once told me that's what I do..... so know I seal it back up in my chest....... and for that matter I wont even tell my lady friend how much I love her..... even tho when I look @ her all I see is God's perfection .... I know she's not perfect.... but to me she is....... So I understand this write and the feeling of a broken heart..... red

LeslieMay commented on Emotional Roller Coaster


It's crazy to me how boys are so scared of commitment. Of something that might be good for them. While it might seem easier to be emotionless, it is the emotions & experiences that make us stronger. Good write.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hole In My Chest 1
Given Up 1
Idk 1
Emotional Roller Coaster 2
Headache 3
Momma 1
Strength 1
Army For The Heart 3
Angst 2
Weight of the World...BEGON
Unkown Title 4
Sick Feeling 5
Untitled One 1
My Medication 2
Hold Me Tight 8
Inside My Pen 5
I'm the Type of Girl 8
I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
My Worth 3
Not Refundable 1
Lady in Waiting 7
Forever 0
Fantasies 1
Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
Broken Heart 3
Lies and Deciet 2
Done 0
The World Started Spinning Today 4
Wondering 1
Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
Because Of You 1
Love 1
Moving On 0
Karma 3
Suitcase 3
Waiting For You 0
Heart Shaped Portal 0
I Cried For You 3
Worries 6