Twinopolis’s Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Location: Wouldn't You Like To Know, MI
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


Hello, I'm Jaycee, I'm currently 17, Residing in a lot of places, Michigan, I have one sister, three dogs, and loving family who supports my decision to be a writer. I write stories, and poems. Mail me with any critiques.


Profile Comments

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frazel5 profile comment


twin!!!! i miss you girl!!!

Ninjaboy profile comment


im sending another request because i accadentaly hit delete friend... sorry



haha okay

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hole In My Chest 1
Given Up 1
Idk 1
Emotional Roller Coaster 2
Headache 3
Momma 1
Strength 1
Army For The Heart 3
Angst 2
Weight of the World...BEGON
Unkown Title 4
Sick Feeling 5
Untitled One 1
My Medication 2
Hold Me Tight 8
Inside My Pen 5
I'm the Type of Girl 8
I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
My Worth 3
Not Refundable 1
Lady in Waiting 7
Forever 0
Fantasies 1
Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
Broken Heart 3
Lies and Deciet 2
Done 0
The World Started Spinning Today 4
Wondering 1
Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
Because Of You 1
Love 1
Moving On 0
Karma 3
Suitcase 3
Waiting For You 0
Heart Shaped Portal 0
I Cried For You 3
Worries 6