I'm the Type of Girl


  • Passion

    I'm the Type of Girl

    I'm the type of girl who wears baggy t-shirts to bed,
    Who wears skull underpants with pink lace,
    Who cares deeply for others,
    And puts herself last,
    Who books her schedule so full, it goes over twenty-four hours in a day,
    And is reluctantly forced to drop some events,
    I'm the type of girl who loves hard,
    And gets her heart broken a million times,
    And my punishment is getting feelings taken away,
    I'm the type of girl who has old morals,
    And looks down upon those who dont respect there elders,
    I'm the type of girl whos scared of heights, death and spiders,
    Even though I owned a taranchula when I was younger,
    And was practically rasied in a bucket truck,
    And has seens somuch death, and pain its usless to be scared of it at all,
    I'm the type of girl who could take eight showers a day and still take a ninth,
    I'm the type of girl that, if I knew how to would be on a hill strumming an acoustic guitar,
    Jamming with just Me, Myself and I,
    I'm the simple type,
    But I'm easilly made mad,
    And overly emotionall,
    Without meaning to be,
    But I'm the type of girl,
    Who goes and finds a spot in the tall grass and reads,
    Because in my heart,
    Thats where I know,
    I belong.

    Poem Comments


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    Kyranna commented on I'm the Type of Girl


    amazing work! =D im like most of what you have written as well. n.n

    nikkiquander commented on I'm the Type of Girl


    nuff said. this poem seems like it fits you to a tee!!! its good to see young writers not talking about sex, but experiencing love for the first or second time. great job!!

    DeepEclipse commented on I'm the Type of Girl


    Hahahaha if you have a bit of OCD then we relate lol. You know yourself well. An encouraging poem, showing that we are just what we are. Who gives a f*** about standards, we are what we are and it is what it is.

    PRober commented on I'm the Type of Girl


    that's a very lovely, and well written attestment to the writer...good job!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hole In My Chest 1
    Given Up 1
    Idk 1
    Emotional Roller Coaster 2
    Headache 3
    Momma 1
    Strength 1
    Army For The Heart 3
    Angst 2
    Weight of the World...BEGON
    Unkown Title 4
    Sick Feeling 5
    Untitled One 1
    My Medication 2
    Hold Me Tight 8
    Inside My Pen 5
    I'm the Type of Girl 8
    I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
    My Worth 3
    Not Refundable 1
    Lady in Waiting 7
    Forever 0
    Fantasies 1
    Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
    Broken Heart 3
    Lies and Deciet 2
    Done 0
    The World Started Spinning Today 4
    Wondering 1
    Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
    Because Of You 1
    Love 1
    Moving On 0
    Karma 3
    Suitcase 3
    Waiting For You 0
    Heart Shaped Portal 0
    I Cried For You 3
    Worries 6