I Hope To Make Something Of Myself


I Hope To Make Something Of Myself

Lightning lights up the night,
and maybe I just might,
I've been writing it for months,
And I think it might be ready,
If only I was steady,
I'm nervous you see,
I'm scared of what others will think of me,
Will they love it and want more?
Or put it down half way thinking of it more as a chore?
I hope it will be on the School's shelves come my senior year,
But my hopes may as well disapear,
I'm scared you see,
Of what people think of me.
Will they look at the author and say 'oh no, this simply cannot be',
Or rejoice and tell there friends and gossip and say 'Oh my! Look at this! Oh how could we have discriminated against this!'
I may not ever know,
But if the chance comes along and I'm asked to show,
You can bet I'll do it and make something of myself,
Those who have looked down upon me and made comments mean and nice,
Will be blown away by writings that will suffice!

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nikkiquander commented on I Hope To Make Something Of Myself


this poem shows not only your youth, but it shows how creative you are at a young age!! you writing is really great and will get better as you experience life more!!!

Darkxaster commented on I Hope To Make Something Of Myself


wowo i like you know sometimes i think of myself like this oonce along time i use to worrie about what people think of me than i found out i reeally dont care what other people think as long as i'm able to be myself and say what i want i dont care what other people think and sorry about the story comment

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hole In My Chest 1
Given Up 1
Idk 1
Emotional Roller Coaster 2
Headache 3
Momma 1
Strength 1
Army For The Heart 3
Angst 2
Weight of the World...BEGON
Unkown Title 4
Sick Feeling 5
Untitled One 1
My Medication 2
Hold Me Tight 8
Inside My Pen 5
I'm the Type of Girl 8
I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
My Worth 3
Not Refundable 1
Lady in Waiting 7
Forever 0
Fantasies 1
Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
Broken Heart 3
Lies and Deciet 2
Done 0
The World Started Spinning Today 4
Wondering 1
Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
Because Of You 1
Love 1
Moving On 0
Karma 3
Suitcase 3
Waiting For You 0
Heart Shaped Portal 0
I Cried For You 3
Worries 6