

  • Anger

    Poem Commentary

    i've needed to say this crap for too long.


    I can't forgive you for everything you've put me through,
    the stupid meaningless 'i love yous' and yousaid that you can't live without me,
    you take and take and never give back,
    its no wonder why i cant have good relationships,
    I dont trust anyone because of your ignorance,
    they say ignorance is bliss,
    not even close.
    Your just the ignorant fucker that can only think about getting in someones pants non-stop.
    Sex is everything to you,
    I made a promise,
    you didnt belive I could keep it,
    Look at me now, to this very day I still have my cherry.
    All you wanted to do was pop it,
    be able to say "hey i popped the virgins cherry' and 'I took her virginity'.
    It doesnt make you look any better,
    it just makes you look like a rapist and a bigger asshole than you already are.
    I should have listened to him when he told me what you really were.
    A sex obsessed pig who doesnt give two shits what happens to the girls once he's done with them.

    Poem Comments


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    RettaJ commented on Angst


    an interesting write of love lost...don't be afraid to stand your ground....stay true to who you are.

    bforibus commented on Angst


    i love the emotion put into this poem. its a bold outlook on the egos stuck in between the legs of some boys. i say boys ecause its a maturity thing. either way great job on the share.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Twinopolis’s Poems (39)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hole In My Chest 1
    Given Up 1
    Idk 1
    Emotional Roller Coaster 2
    Headache 3
    Momma 1
    Strength 1
    Army For The Heart 3
    Angst 2
    Weight of the World...BEGON
    Unkown Title 4
    Sick Feeling 5
    Untitled One 1
    My Medication 2
    Hold Me Tight 8
    Inside My Pen 5
    I'm the Type of Girl 8
    I Hope To Make Something Of Myself 4
    My Worth 3
    Not Refundable 1
    Lady in Waiting 7
    Forever 0
    Fantasies 1
    Neverending Rivers of Tears 4
    Broken Heart 3
    Lies and Deciet 2
    Done 0
    The World Started Spinning Today 4
    Wondering 1
    Words to Fill in the Blanks 1
    Because Of You 1
    Love 1
    Moving On 0
    Karma 3
    Suitcase 3
    Waiting For You 0
    Heart Shaped Portal 0
    I Cried For You 3
    Worries 6