Today I Heard The News


Poem Commentary

I just wrote that because today I found out the treatments they are giving me for kidney rejection may not be working. I'm on my 3rd kidney transplant and they said this is my last one so hopefully this rejection episode passes quickly so I can finally go back to work and living my life the way I should be. Plus being out of work for a month and probably anoother 2 months makes you go nuts. Thank God for my son if it werent for him I would go nuts sitting at home all day!

Today I Heard The News

On the other end of the line I heard a voice
Fighting until the end or giving up right now is my only choice
Wishing all my pain would dissappear
When I think it's gone it suddenly reappears
                I must carry on and if I shall fall then I shall rejoice

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israelmorenike commented on Today I Heard The News


This is very touching,you make me cry,please don't lose hope,God is able to do all things..The Lord is your strength,keep writting out your pains,God will sure hear you.I hold you dear to my heart,I don't know know but God knows you,he ordain and His Will shall be done in your life.I will keep praying for you.Be blessed.

latinangel commented on Today I Heard The News


Very touching and real cowboy. I do like this. Can almost feel your emotions. Never give up! Latin Angel

scrye commented on Today I Heard The News


As a liver cancer patient i feel your pain and can relate to your fight. Don't give up, Hope is a constant. Keep writing it truely helps us cope. Blessings to you luv.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

cowboyup1824’s Poems (38)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Body Image 2 Canvas 0
Body Image 1 0
The nothingness that surrounds us 0
It's Over 0
No Title 0
I couldn't sleep! 1
My Name Poem 2
To My Son 1
Giving Up 4
The coming storm 1
Time 5
My Own Personal Prison 15
Pen 3
Looking Down (free verse) 5
Do Not Pray For Me 3
Today I Heard The News 3
To My Father 2
I Love You My Sweet Robert Ray 3
Cut This Away 0
Cutting 35
Randomness 0
To Dream A Dream 1
Go Big or Go Home 0
Starting Over 2
My Sister, My friend 2
Two Souls Becoming One 2
Questions 0
Now & Then 0
Wood Duck 0
This Is Life 0
America Soldier! 1
Duck Hunting 1
Wandering Soul 0
The Blowing Wind 0
Guardian Angel 0
The Fire Deep Inside 1
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Fallen Angel 0