America Soldier!


  • Emotional
  • ,
  • War

    Poem Commentary

    I wrote this for anyone fighting for this countries freedom! I wish I could fight but they will never accept me. So thank you for your duty it means more than you think!

    America Soldier!

    What does an American Soldier stand for?
    Standing up for our rights during war
    Putting their lives on the line day in and day out
    And yet people are against you as they shout

    War is wrong, we have no right
    Lets see those cowards stand and fight
    Protecting our neighbors and friends from harms way
    I just don't know what to say

    To the men and women who are on the front lines
    Never complaining that there in a bind
    Getting shot at from left to right
    Some days it seems like there is no end in sight

    Wishing they could call their loved ones on the phone
    Bombs exploding, leaving a destructive path
    War isn't just one big blood bath
    Everyone overlooks the good and not the bad
    I'm sure that makes are armed forces sad

    Putting their lives on the line for our freedom we don't see
    Without them the U.S would not be free
    So next time you hear or see someone putting them down
    Don't walk away with a frown

    Stand up for our men and women overseas
    That's all I'm asking for gods sake please
    Stand by our troops through thick and thin
    And wipe those tears away from your chin
    Cause as one we can achieve anything we do
    So I gladly stand up and cheer for the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE.THE QUESTION IS, DO YOU?

    Poem Comments


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    WinterFrost commented on America Soldier!


    Well, to say that a war is wrong and we've had a few... is not the same as being against the soldiers. I'm not saying theres never a reason to fight I'd say the Civil war (hurray the good guys won), and WWII are perfect examples of good triumphing over evil. And we as a nation are really good at killing other people. Now with that said. Your poem except for some idelogical differences stands up well.. AABB rhyming stanza. a lot of effort and good work went into this.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    cowboyup1824’s Poems (38)

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