Body Image 1


  • Life

    Body Image 1

    Where to begin, as a painting, this canvas has its subject

    In life, I look beyond myself, yet in a whole I’m an object

    Belonging to a group that you can easily point out in a crowd

    Even though quiet my voice, inside screaming a loud.

    How do I see myself in the mirror, you’ve asked?

    My face has seen it all, in the light never me, but a mask

    Eyes, that have seen hell first hand, squinting from the fires

    Friends, family, constantly surrounded by liars

    My mind warped from the endless drug use

    Prescriptions, yes my drug, meaning of life obtuse.

    My hands withered and yellowed from the cigarettes lit

    Listening to words but never giving a shit

    My body just one big canvas full of dark demonic scares

    Sitting back, through my eyes, the site of stars

    My neck mutilated as if I were one of Frankenstein’s creations

    In my abdomen no pain, no feel of sensation

    Wrists cut up from inner demons battling to get out

    My mind and body never on the same page, a loud shout

    Scars meander upon my flesh telling of my personal hell

    To get out of it, well that would be swell

    A train track shows a journey I’ve traveled many times

    Other scares horizontally, all over, thick lines

    My body, a canvas, every changing, never ending

    Alas, my artwork will be complete when the morgue, they are sending

    No more surgeries, but an entire removal of blood

    Emotional, cast away the tears, let there be no flood

    For the abstract piece you’ve known to see

    Has finally become a work of art, do you agree?




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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    cowboyup1824’s Poems (38)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Body Image 2 Canvas 0
    Body Image 1 0
    The nothingness that surrounds us 0
    It's Over 0
    No Title 0
    I couldn't sleep! 1
    My Name Poem 2
    To My Son 1
    Giving Up 4
    The coming storm 1
    Time 5
    My Own Personal Prison 15
    Pen 3
    Looking Down (free verse) 5
    Do Not Pray For Me 3
    Today I Heard The News 3
    To My Father 2
    I Love You My Sweet Robert Ray 3
    Cut This Away 0
    Cutting 35
    Randomness 0
    To Dream A Dream 1
    Go Big or Go Home 0
    Starting Over 2
    My Sister, My friend 2
    Two Souls Becoming One 2
    Questions 0
    Now & Then 0
    Wood Duck 0
    This Is Life 0
    America Soldier! 1
    Duck Hunting 1
    Wandering Soul 0
    The Blowing Wind 0
    Guardian Angel 0
    The Fire Deep Inside 1
    Final Battle? 5
    Fallen Angel 0