My Sister, My friend


  • Love
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  • Family

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    I wrote this for my sister for her birthday

    My Sister, My friend

    Looking back I can see a big black cloud
    Surrounded by death, depression was our shroud
    Things always looking greener from this side of the track
    And yet our love we always had each others back

    We always fought like siblings do
    Yet I left you alone when you were blue
    Standing a far from the fire that burned within
    Watching you get swallowed up in sin

    My soul burned right along side with you, and felt your pain
    To this day I believe it's Dad who helps poor out the rain
    I know he's looking down from above just smiling away
    In our hearts we know he never lead us a stray

    It's weird saying I watched you grow up seeing I'm younger
    Your companionship in life is what I really hungered
    A friend to tell everything to, even if it would make me cry
    Even a person to cover my alibi!

    You've done so much for me throughout this life
    I will be proud to give you away as Chris's wife
    Cause I know that you will be well taken care of
    And your family will be overjoyed with love

    So no matter what happens just remember this
    I try to live my life surrounded by bliss
    Not from materialistic things but life's simplest treasure
    And the love from you no body can truly measure

    I am your brother and will always be your friend
    Just call on me and I will be happy to lend
    Anything and everything I have in my power
    Oh crap you stink! Go take a shower!

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    ciegee commented on My Sister, My friend


    I loved your poem for your sister. What a great thing to say the loving thing to your loved ones in the here and now. I'm sure she'll always treasure this and you. May God bless you and keep you, in this life and in the next. Ciegee

    simoneaugustus commented on My Sister, My friend


    This was so touching! And the end made me laugh out loud! I wish my brother were more like you ;)

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    cowboyup1824’s Poems (38)

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