

  • Fantasy


    I write down my thoughts

    Here on this page

    Some are from my darkest plots

    Performed on my very own stage


    Here I am safe from ridicule

    Away from your prying eyes

    To myself I do not have to be cool

    Nor can you make me cry


    Once again the spotlight doth go on

    My thoughts begin to dance, a new and curious tune

    I let them travel to and fro, without a care to where they have gone

    I begin to wrap myself in a safe and warm cocoon


    Faraway castles and mythical creatures

    Evil wizards with secret plans

    Many stories my mind doth feature

    I write them with inspiration and a magical hand


    My imagination I let wonder

    But to the real world I must come

    My thoughts will never be put asunder

    To reality I will never succumb

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Alexia’s Poems (33)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A life 0
    Thoughts 0
    The life 0
    One fine day in May 0
    Loss 1
    You're Really Not 0
    Faerie Garden 0
    My world 2
    A World of Their Own 3
    Heaven 1
    My walk of solitude 3
    Day Dream 1
    Rain 2
    Daddy's little girl 7
    The Spark 2
    My fairytale 3
    All I want 2
    Our Little Gift 1
    My Dark Night 3
    Forever Yearning 2
    Strong and True 4
    Snow Fall 3
    My Prince 4
    Wilted Love 2
    The Dance 3
    My Best Friend 5
    I didn't know 2
    Betrayal 6
    Unrequited Love 3
    Oceanic Memories 1
    Two Lovers 4
    Mother and Baby 1
    Baby Sleeps 2