TheScarletbard’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: private
  • Gender: private
  • Country: United Kingdom
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Welcome To My World.

Firstly, may I thank you for your interest in my poetry site. I hope that you enjoy your visit and return once you've seen what I have so far written. Please relax and offer as much input as you possibly can relating to the contents of this page. I am continuing to expand my range on a daily basis so please call back. I look forward to hearing from you and happy reading. May your future be what you wish for.
I am a 39 year old male originally from Wales, now living in London. I spent several years in the armed forces at various locations around the world. My poetry means a lot to me personally, and I hope that is reflected in the words you are about to read.If you would like to leave your details in the guest book I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can. Any feedback would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy your visit.


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.