Faerie Garden


  • Fantasy

    Faerie Garden

    I stand in a garden of light,
    Tis all peaceful and bright.
    Chipmunks and squirrels caper,
    In the corner the garden doth taper. 
    Ferns and heather are everywhere,
    Suddenly I become all too aware.
    I am not alone in my escapade,
    Faeries dance in retrograde.
    They are so light and airy,
    And oh so very merry.
    They form a little quartet,
    The four of them pose no threat.
    They looks on their faces are serene,
    They don frocks of green.
    Their blue eyes sparkle,
    One even looks matriarchal. 
    They lavish up me a shower of foxglove,
    They are so lovely, tis something I should write of.
    They leave too soon,
    While whistling their magical tune.
    The garden appears grey and obsolete,
    The faeries once again to greet. 

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Alexia’s Poems (33)

    Title Comments
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