A World of Their Own


A World of Their Own

I once lived in a fanciful place,
Faeries and leprechauns called it their home base.
Here in this beautiful land,
The people lived quite grand.
The forest was covered with huge oak trees,
All of which were quite green.
The floor was scattered with sprinkles of flowers,
All kept alive by the faeries great powers.
They danced and were merry,
Never were weary.
I stumbled upon their clearing,
The worst I admit I was fearing.
For stories are told,
Of faeries and leprechauns quite cold.
My fears would soon be expelled,
They took me into where they dwelled.
Acottage covered with flora,
It exuberated a glowing aura.
There was an amazingly laid out feast,
The merriment never seemed to cease.
Above the table there were three crystal chandeliers,
All with three or four tiers.
We feasted and drank,
We danced as the sun sank.
Ands even late into the night,
Everthing just seemed so right.
Time seemed to stand still,
Leaving was not within my will.
But all good things must come to an end,
The I feel will soon mend.
Back to the everyday,
My memories my only reminder of their simple way.

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WordSlinger commented on A World of Their Own


Neat, I heard them, and seen them jumping, lol, little plotters are they, lol, thanks for the imagery. WS



Thank you for stopping by wordslinger, You are an amazing poet, and I appreciate the time you took to read my poems!

gogant commented on A World of Their Own


To dine with leprechauns.....ahhhh, what a marvelous place you have created with this, Alexia.....................................gogant

gregster commented on A World of Their Own


this maybe about a wonderful childhood or just memories dear to u.or again about world alittle...however its great and u brought in awesome to the game of poetry



Hello Greg and thank you for stopping by to read my poetry. Thank you for your comments It is always nice to hear someone appreciates what you write

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Alexia’s Poems (33)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A life 0
Thoughts 0
The life 0
One fine day in May 0
Loss 1
You're Really Not 0
Faerie Garden 0
My world 2
A World of Their Own 3
Heaven 1
My walk of solitude 3
Day Dream 1
Rain 2
Daddy's little girl 7
The Spark 2
My fairytale 3
All I want 2
Our Little Gift 1
My Dark Night 3
Forever Yearning 2
Strong and True 4
Snow Fall 3
My Prince 4
Wilted Love 2
The Dance 3
My Best Friend 5
I didn't know 2
Betrayal 6
Unrequited Love 3
Oceanic Memories 1
Two Lovers 4
Mother and Baby 1
Baby Sleeps 2