the real me


the real me

when you look close what do you see
do you see a gorl or do you see
the real me
do you see some girl sorrounded by light
or do you see a girl cast out by
the shade of night
baby what do you see
do you see the real me the girl locked up inside
hidden away in the darkest of
look at me close not with your
eyes but with your soul
and tell me wht you see inside of me

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alb29oclfl commented on the real me


this is one of your better writes, keep writing you will get better with each write

redbloodink commented on the real me


this write had creativity.... the point of this is for them to tell you what they see.... But the real question who do you see?........ this write painted a glims of who you are tho.... great write..... type ossssss' we all have them...... 10 from me...... red

Musicmynded1 commented on the real me


I don't want to comment about the poem,, i wanna say what i see inside you: I see a bright girl poet who writes beautifully whats locked up inside as well as what shes feeling at the moment, and she has a very unique way of saying things, different from most. You are able to paint small portraits of your soul with your words and they arn't confusing or jumbled with extra frills.... and if this is what is bread in NC it makes me love states like these, as they are distant galaxies to me... this my dear is what i see.

winterkou commented on the real me


I like the analogy , I like how this poem is written, it talks about he real you. nice write.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

amithissecret’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
broken dreams 2
Porcelain Doll 1
kept inside 1
hide 1
lost one 2
you tell me..... 0
scarlet 1
if at all 3
honeysuckle 4
the girl i use to be 6
The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
a name 1
last love 9
those that fall 1
loast in a dream 4
rivers so high 3
the elite 1
the real me 4
velvet life 1
autumn 2
stars 6
forever love 2
i wont let you go 10
leader of the stairwell 5
I'm not your princess any more 5
Never 2
my tears 3
rose petal wish 7
music 8
remembrance 8