loast in a dream


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loast in a dream

in the day awakining a life
in the night lost to might
the worlds we see when we fall
in the night dark is all
all we do is get lost in a dream
yet somehow is sweet just like strawberies and wipcream

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alb29oclfl commented on loast in a dream


nice flow and rhythm in this piece, you have a talent keep wrting

sawdust commented on loast in a dream


you have a gift for expressing a feeling so many have the same thoughts but cant express it dont let any one change the way y0ou think its unique thats what makes your poetry a joy to read

dahlusion commented on loast in a dream


"in the night dark is all all we do is get lost in a dream yet somehow is sweet just like strawberies and wipcream" — this is poetically sound and lovely. Bravo!!

Musicmynded1 commented on loast in a dream


A few misspelled words... but a very nicely written piece of work.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

amithissecret’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
broken dreams 2
Porcelain Doll 1
kept inside 1
hide 1
lost one 2
you tell me..... 0
scarlet 1
if at all 3
honeysuckle 4
the girl i use to be 6
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a name 1
last love 9
those that fall 1
loast in a dream 4
rivers so high 3
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the real me 4
velvet life 1
autumn 2
stars 6
forever love 2
i wont let you go 10
leader of the stairwell 5
I'm not your princess any more 5
Never 2
my tears 3
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