if at all


  • Hope
  • ,
  • Love
  • ,
  • Lost

    Poem Commentary

    im not even sure anymore

    if at all

    Lyin caged up in my sorrow

    keeping secrets to myself

    I didnt think anyone would follow

    I didnt think anyone would help

    my heart seemed to have fallen

    broken down to disrepair

    I was lost to my own heartbreak

    so far gone I couldnt tell


    hold my hand and bring me back

    only you can find me now

    all the others who have tried

    seemed to lose themselves in time

    guide me from this black abyss

    show me what all I have missed

    guard this careless heart of mine

    so I wont lose myself this time


    wondering so aimlessly

    watching others I can see

    how far lost I really am

    so far gone I cannot stand

    pick me up and carry me

    show me what im ment to be

    what will I have to do

    to let you know what I went through


    if at all

    if I fall
    can you find me?
    can you save me?

    Poem Comments


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    Chrisjan commented on if at all


    Yes you can be saved !! This is a sad poem about the world's pressures on someone. Where is the breaking point, getting saved !! Christ Jesus is there. A free gift. Just ask Jesus to be your savior and guidance. That simple. I have been in this type of meltdown. I pray all is better !!

    brokenhearted11 commented on if at all


    the poem holds a certain rhythm, one that everyone can understand and know, and i like that. the emotions run high in this poetry, and i can tell its autobiographical. my favorite lines: guard this careless heart of mine/ so I wont lose myself this time. oh, and if you need to talk, seeing as this is a bit dark, my door is always open. keep writing



    this isnt as dark as 'the girl iuse to be' thanks though

    papapaczki commented on if at all


    I like how you turned a negative feeling into a positive situation, looking to return your happy place.

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    broken dreams 2
    Porcelain Doll 1
    kept inside 1
    hide 1
    lost one 2
    you tell me..... 0
    scarlet 1
    if at all 3
    honeysuckle 4
    the girl i use to be 6
    The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
    a name 1
    last love 9
    those that fall 1
    loast in a dream 4
    rivers so high 3
    the elite 1
    the real me 4
    velvet life 1
    RAIN 2
    autumn 2
    stars 6
    forever love 2
    i wont let you go 10
    leader of the stairwell 5
    I'm not your princess any more 5
    Never 2
    my tears 3
    rose petal wish 7
    music 8
    remembrance 8