i wont let you go


i wont let you go

why do you have to leave my love
i dont want you to go
you told me so but now i see
that we were not ment to be frends but lovers
i want you to stay dont go
dont me leave me alone
i want to stay with you
now i relize this but its to late
your going leaving
for a long time still
i miss you already though you havent even left
dont go dont leave my love
i love you but i didnt relize it till now
please dont leave 
please stay with me
i love you i want you
i wish you didnt have to go
i dont want to let you go
my heat is breaking
that you have to leave
but i love you so much
if you go then please come back
please please
i wont let you go if i have to make you stay dont leave me
dont leave me

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scrye commented on i wont let you go


amithis an emotionally packed poem with so much to say. Beautiful poem and a powerfully written cry out for love. A great read thank you so much for sharing this with me.

Phoenix9 commented on i wont let you go


if one truely loves and leaves they will return. but it's not the end if they don't, write about it , use your feelings but don't plead or beg, there will be others, life is too short for there not to be

bluewolf commented on i wont let you go


Such a debth of love exprssed in poetic verse from one so young. However always remember this-love that holds depth for both will create a lasting love: immortal love.

Troubador commented on i wont let you go


Honey you are such a young thing there will be many other guys in your life. Don't worry about a flash in the pan, there always be another.

cliftondurant commented on i wont let you go


love is beautiful it is wonderful to be in love make sure he love you nice poem

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

amithissecret’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
broken dreams 2
Porcelain Doll 1
kept inside 1
hide 1
lost one 2
you tell me..... 0
scarlet 1
if at all 3
honeysuckle 4
the girl i use to be 6
The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
a name 1
last love 9
those that fall 1
loast in a dream 4
rivers so high 3
the elite 1
the real me 4
velvet life 1
autumn 2
stars 6
forever love 2
i wont let you go 10
leader of the stairwell 5
I'm not your princess any more 5
Never 2
my tears 3
rose petal wish 7
music 8
remembrance 8