rose petal wish


rose petal wish

 Rose petals fall ever so light they blow in the wind sending their smell to those who wait
gentaly hitting the water no ripples shatering the unbroken water like glass so smoth
but still a droplet hits the rose petal
a wish no dubt one that will be granted
carried lightly by the petal its self
if you watch you become extoled 
bound by the beauty and love of the simple droplet
and if you make a wish on the droplet 
the water carries it away it goses from a droplet 
to a granted wish
 and still it flows through the night sky 
serching for the answer to the wish
when the answer is found
the wish glows and sparkles then darts back to the person
of whom the answer will be recived
and speaks
"to the a happy wish and love filled life"
it smiles and disapears waiting for the next to come along

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dumplin commented on rose petal wish


Girl, you really need to work on your spelling! This is very beautiful, but the misspellings are very distracting. I still give it a high mark, though.

sakha commented on rose petal wish


i have read your poem.very good.try to read senior,s poem than you will have read my poem petal. obviously you will get knowledge when you will grow day by day like as bud blossoms tomorrow.. sakha[saroj khan] india kolkata

bluewolf commented on rose petal wish


A reminder that we are never tol old to make wishes and send them upon the breezes of chance. Well done.

amber12172 commented on rose petal wish


I like this poem as well. Its very creative. haha.

sawdust commented on rose petal wish


thats a nice subject well thought out and has the best intentions for those who need a lift during their day good write

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

amithissecret’s Poems (31)

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