

  • Never


    no body sees
    nobody feels
    like i do
    im hurt
    im dying
    the pain
    the anguish
    the hurt i feel
    is like an
    arrow in the
    heart of the
    perfic deer
    but no one 
    know no one
    feels like i do
    i keep it bottled up in side
    like a girl with so much to say 
    but the words are
    never heard for
    she never speaks them
    the last words
    the last thought
    of the olny one who knew
    but to feel is not to know
    you will never know the pain i feel
    never in your life
    the pain is like a bullet sent out of a gun at
    the last moment
    the crack of a skull hard on the ground 
    i lock my self in a room of pain and misery
    chained to a wall of never
    ending dispare
    and darkness
    hurt pain
    and guilt
    the words known but never spoken
    the hurt there but 
    never known
    the pain there but never
    the guilt there ut never talked about
    excpt to the kepper herself
    in my life
    there is more hurt
    than any other
    dying pain
    felt olny to me 
    the kepper
    for in the palm of my hand it is
    will this hurt go away

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    Phoenix9 commented on Never


    very well done, use spell check though, very emotional and i agree with scrye, a 10

    scrye commented on Never


    Sweetie love, pain, depression, lonelieness, loss these are things we all have felt for these are the signs of life itself, and to live is what we do as people. As poets we write about life. Thanks for the well said emotions and wonderfully written poem. I give it a 10

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    broken dreams 2
    Porcelain Doll 1
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    hide 1
    lost one 2
    you tell me..... 0
    scarlet 1
    if at all 3
    honeysuckle 4
    the girl i use to be 6
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    last love 9
    those that fall 1
    loast in a dream 4
    rivers so high 3
    the elite 1
    the real me 4
    velvet life 1
    RAIN 2
    autumn 2
    stars 6
    forever love 2
    i wont let you go 10
    leader of the stairwell 5
    I'm not your princess any more 5
    Never 2
    my tears 3
    rose petal wish 7
    music 8
    remembrance 8