

  • Safe


    hear the music feel the beat
    clap your hands stomp your feet
    let it flow through you 
    like a cool summer breeze
    lightly skip, jump, dance
    the mood sets the days band
    love life and all within
    feel the music and the air within
    light beams dance to the beat
    skipping bouncing
    keep life simple
    but keep it in beat
    music comes to those who wait
    twiddling bumping sliding swirling round and round
    take a breath relax
    put on some music and dance
    because in life there's no time sit and watch get up and be apart of everything!!!!!!!

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    Artie commented on music


    Very well done. This poem can relate to many aspects in life, and can be taken literal as well - 10 from me

    Musicmynded1 commented on music


    This is sooooooooo stupid......................... and i am soooooo just kidding when i say that... in fact.. this one soooooo hits home with me on many different levels... The mood sets the days band(yes) Keep life simple but keep it in beat... (that is so awesome) Music comes to those who wait... (For this line I've waited my whole life for... ty)

    MCross commented on music


    The essence of this poem is wonderful. I like the take a breath line. That is good advice, take a breath slow down. We can even use that when we write. Slow down reread what we have written and see if it flows/fits. Keep up the good work.

    bluewolf commented on music


    A poem that brings to mind many styles of Spanish dance.

    amber12172 commented on music


    Yeah girl i love this poem because music is like almost my everything. I love music. What could you do with out it?

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

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