Porcelain Doll


Porcelain Doll

I will always be with you
through good times and bad
I will hold you forever
because you are my friend

wash away the tears you cry
watch over you every night
I will block the night mares from your mind
and you will learn to trust again all in given time

my dear your a porcelain doll
your fragil as glass
yet your stronger then us all
your beautiful like falling snow
and just as pure down to your soul
it's hard for me to see you hurt
so I will protect you 

i will hold your hand
and guide you through the dark
and if i have to give my life
i will save you from your breaking point

i will not watch
as you drain your energy
to hold onto something
that will never be
i will not help you
struggle to hold on
to all your hidden pain

i will make you forget
every bad thing
that's ever happened to you
i will protect you
my dear your a porcelain doll
your fragil as glass
yet your stronger then us all
your beautiful like falling snow
and just as pure down to your soul
it's hard for me to see you hurt
so I will protect you

and i will guard you
i will not let anyone
taint your innocence
i will make sure
you are always free
from the heartbreak
that I've seen 

my dear porcelain doll
i will not let your glass heart be shattered. 

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Musicmynded1 commented on Porcelain Doll


wow... sounds of a divine friendship of love... very well put to words




If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

amithissecret’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
broken dreams 2
Porcelain Doll 1
kept inside 1
hide 1
lost one 2
you tell me..... 0
scarlet 1
if at all 3
honeysuckle 4
the girl i use to be 6
The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
a name 1
last love 9
those that fall 1
loast in a dream 4
rivers so high 3
the elite 1
the real me 4
velvet life 1
autumn 2
stars 6
forever love 2
i wont let you go 10
leader of the stairwell 5
I'm not your princess any more 5
Never 2
my tears 3
rose petal wish 7
music 8
remembrance 8