last love


  • Love

    last love

    looking over the crystal sea
    I feel your breath next to me
    crystalline tears that scatter the fall
    shatter like glass like a crystalline ball
    no shining light comes from the moon to be
    a sad smile crosses as you lay next to me
    with one last breath you to me " I'll love you always, for eternity"

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    sawdust commented on last love


    oh this is beautiful and so close to my heart you have a gift at writting with such feeling im envious you go girl

    ForeverPoet commented on last love


    short but moving and to the point! well done you will have a good following i believe. and make many people think!

    KING commented on last love


    I like it! Passionate, sweet and to the point! This is how its done. :)

    nanoboy909 commented on last love


    wow this is a good one.... i like it.... its short but it has a deep message....

    stever commented on last love


    very good write sorta sad but me somtime....ty StEvEr

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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    hide 1
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    you tell me..... 0
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    last love 9
    those that fall 1
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    velvet life 1
    RAIN 2
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    forever love 2
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    my tears 3
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