leader of the stairwell


leader of the stairwell

in a dream there is a stairwell
to love passion and the future
but the girl that gards is who is she
she is the leader of the stairwell
to one who lives and breathes like with the stairwell
the land is dark and misty
ut the stairwell is gold and sliver and has jewels imeded into it
swirls of crimson the sky the color of sunset
" welcome to the relm of dreams"
she said voice like the soung of water running over rocks in a creek
so sweet and soft
she walks over to me
"come i will take you only to the top of the stairs from there you will find your dream."
I walk behind her and think 'who is she? is she a goddess?'
"no im not a goddess but im the leader of the stairwell"
i walk up the steps and in to a dream 

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Musicmynded1 commented on leader of the stairwell


Seems that your poems may keep me coming back for more,,, not too many writers on here are beaconing me like the ones you're putting down.. good job.

dumplin commented on leader of the stairwell


There are a few errors in this that could be corrected. This is a lovely piece, though. I'd love to read like the next one where you describe the dream itself.

Phoenix9 commented on leader of the stairwell


very good concept, i enjoyed the read. but my only crit. is spelling. ok,



never been the best speller srry but its who i am

daddybabydaisy commented on leader of the stairwell


this is beautiful. ur so talented and i think u are a great writer.

slohan4u commented on leader of the stairwell


very good poem. sounds like dreams i had when i was young/ keep writing more poems.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

amithissecret’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
broken dreams 2
Porcelain Doll 1
kept inside 1
hide 1
lost one 2
you tell me..... 0
scarlet 1
if at all 3
honeysuckle 4
the girl i use to be 6
The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
a name 1
last love 9
those that fall 1
loast in a dream 4
rivers so high 3
the elite 1
the real me 4
velvet life 1
autumn 2
stars 6
forever love 2
i wont let you go 10
leader of the stairwell 5
I'm not your princess any more 5
Never 2
my tears 3
rose petal wish 7
music 8
remembrance 8