the girl i use to be


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    no lie a poem of my life. this poem differs from my other works srry if it's not all that great

    the girl i use to be

    All the pain swirls inside of me

    like churning water in the sea

    I listen to them argue

    even though I ought not to


    stealing away inside myself

    to somewhere where there's no pain left

    catching glimpses of a life

    where my only pleasure isn't the slash of a knife


    struggling deep inside of me

    is the wreckage of the girl I use to be

    before the days of hate set in

    this wasn't the girl I would have been


    the girl who keeps secret's under lock and key

    wasn't the girl I hoped to be

    the fighting continues leaving nothing but silence

    all I can think is “ enough with this quiet!”


    running away to a better place

    my tears streaming like clear painful lace

    I try to hold on

    but I already know all hope is gone


    screaming I try to confide

    in the one place I know I can hide

    all the pain that keeps me up at night

    crying into the darkness without light


    not cringing at the blade on my skin

    knowing it's the only one I can confide in

    crimson droplets that fall tell my story

    how I know that they don't worry


    wishing I could end it all

    though knowing I wouldn't hurt them at all

    looking past what I am to see

    the girl I use to be


    long gone is my hope

    my solitary oath

    the one that you placed on me

    that was the girl I use to be


    looking at what I am today

    could you still say

    that I am me

    that I'm the girl I use to be...

    Poem Comments


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    sk8erpoet commented on the girl i use to be


    awesome write...i know how you feel, ive been can almost feel the pain as you read it..great write..your a awesome poet....keep writing....sk8

    LenaM commented on the girl i use to be


    excellent write Ami been here though for me it wasn't cutting struggled nearly all my life with crippling depression keep writing it was the thing that saved me from myself



    its the same for me its my saving grace sometimes. that and the one person whom i miss dearly he's talked me out of a few tight spots and thanks for commenting

    angelchaser commented on the girl i use to be


    Wow, Ami. This is a very good piece, honey. You express pain wonderfully, one can almost feel what you're going through as you describe cutting. I hope you find your way out of the darkness. I've been there much of my's no place to live. PM me anytime if you want to talk, need to vent, or just need a friend.



    i will if i have internet i will

    ForeverPoet commented on the girl i use to be


    with each setback, with each heartbreak, with every tear...........we grow! great read! keep writing! I'll keep reading!

    JayJ420 commented on the girl i use to be


    Futillity is what keeps us the most distracted to our morals, but change is nothing but good us to help us learn, let go, and move it.....Jay-J

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    broken dreams 2
    Porcelain Doll 1
    kept inside 1
    hide 1
    lost one 2
    you tell me..... 0
    scarlet 1
    if at all 3
    honeysuckle 4
    the girl i use to be 6
    The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
    a name 1
    last love 9
    those that fall 1
    loast in a dream 4
    rivers so high 3
    the elite 1
    the real me 4
    velvet life 1
    RAIN 2
    autumn 2
    stars 6
    forever love 2
    i wont let you go 10
    leader of the stairwell 5
    I'm not your princess any more 5
    Never 2
    my tears 3
    rose petal wish 7
    music 8
    remembrance 8