forever love


  • Forever

    forever love

    forever my love for you will last
    forever love will i be in your grasp
    you are my only love so forever love
    love is like a rose delicate and gentle
    our love is the petal soft a sweet
    so forever love
    like light in a dark mist
    love conquers all
    forever love
    words spoken like memories of yesterday
    letters written like shear poetry
    tears that are cried, forever my love
    my love is strong and can hold
    so my love
               forever my love
                  forever love

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    Chaos128 commented on forever love


    A very soulful narrative, if a little disconnected in spots. I'll give it a nine because your heart's in the right place.

    Plot121 commented on forever love


    This was a good poem kind of repetitive in parts. I think if you were to use other word to express what your vies this piece would be well done. Just a thought. remember the bigger your vocabulary the better your work would shine just a thought. Robert...

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

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