

  • Stars


    stars shine and glide through the sky,
    playing games unknown to mankind
    they share secrets we have not yet uncovered,
    they see past, present, and future
    shining bright when truth has been found
    they see the souls of others
    the colors emitted by people
    they know when true love is found
    when death dawdles on one
    when luck is lost
    and hope is gone
    stars give what is lost

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    Donyon commented on stars


    Stars are one of my favorite topics, or at least one I always come back to. I liked the way you approached the subject here.



    thanks! i look at things in my own way and this is just one of the many

    Musicmynded1 commented on stars


    I really never heard anything quite admirable as this before.. except somewhere in the Bible.. keep it up

    cliftondurant commented on stars


    a good poem yes we wish upon a star i like this great job

    1990lh commented on stars


    wonderful i like poems about nature, animals,and stars it relax my mind, i love your persective on the stars great job,

    Chaos128 commented on stars


    A very enchanting paen to the distant lights that guide our way, Amith. This poem is enjoyable to read, and that's the best recommendation there is.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    amithissecret’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    broken dreams 2
    Porcelain Doll 1
    kept inside 1
    hide 1
    lost one 2
    you tell me..... 0
    scarlet 1
    if at all 3
    honeysuckle 4
    the girl i use to be 6
    The Life of W.S. Merwin 1
    a name 1
    last love 9
    those that fall 1
    loast in a dream 4
    rivers so high 3
    the elite 1
    the real me 4
    velvet life 1
    RAIN 2
    autumn 2
    stars 6
    forever love 2
    i wont let you go 10
    leader of the stairwell 5
    I'm not your princess any more 5
    Never 2
    my tears 3
    rose petal wish 7
    music 8
    remembrance 8