chemicalcuke’s Profile

  • Age: 39
  • Location: Cardiff
  • Gender: n/a
  • Country: GB
  • Public Profile URL:


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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

chemicalcuke’s Poems (44)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Leary and Bleary 0
NOT entirely well 0
The future? 0
Smasherklasty 1
By the Whales 0
Don't look behind you 0
Fluids 1
Leading Phantom 0
That Calm Night 0
Thoughts are useless 0
Significance is noted 0
You know, I love you 2
An Overnight Slant 0
My mom chose life. Twice. 0
Never but jest 0
Know the virtues 0
To the Lady outside my window: 1
The Row 0
Gently now, she came to me 1
Strikingly Odd 1
My English teacher might get fired 0
Sweet Goodness 1
Season of Strange 1
Depression 3
Examined closely 1
Set in stone 0
Wither winds 0
Dripping Speeches 2
The importance of being honest 1
What I'd like her to be,, right now 3
The sting 2
First things in mind 0
Stole their gold fillings, he did 0
The clock is broken 1
The struggle of a teenage boy 1
s of a serial killer
Lost Touch 2
Blood 0
It has been five days 1
Reform 2
On this day 1
They don't rule this world, A greater power does 2
Of utmost importance 1
Perhaps, under the circumstances 0