In Economic Slavery


  • Political

    In Economic Slavery

    Below the glass ceiling of fear and doubt
    At bright skies of promise I look fondly out
    Wanting to soar with freedom’s eagles
    Feet shackled by subtle ropes legal

    Dispensed by a tunnel visioned defense attorney
    Reveling in self righteous sanctimony
    Perched atop the lovely steeple
    Of the religious guise of we the people

    When did we the people demand larger prisons
    Or applaud the tsunami of prices risen
    For luxuries as well as necessities
    As they subtly mask the atrocities

    Under what’s more profitable for the wealthy
    As they study to make their profit margin healthy
    While little if anything to the poor they’ll give
    And proclaim pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and live

    My bootstraps are being shipped oversea
    To enhance big business profits indubitably
    The only closure that seems acceptable nationally
    Is foreclosure on every poor working family

    And some choose to sleep by the gate
    Pretending they did not see segregation’s hate
    As it stormed the weak walls of complacency
    While singing the old Beatles’s song let it be

    So to those who say I should be grateful
    Your segregationist view borders on the hateful
    When the God I believe in has declared me free
    Yet you still try to shackle me in economic slavery

    H. Wilson

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    servantAdored commented on In Economic Slavery


    WOW! Truly, you have a gift. Excellent read. Insightful, intelligent and here is a word we no longer recognize, truthful. I appreciate the message and the content, written with defeat and power behind the words!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Delmarvapoet1’s Poems (73)

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