

  • Religion
  • ,
  • Love


    I would like to give a warning for everyone to hear,
    Because it's so important, each and everyone should fear.
    It's not as if your house were burning, but more important still;
    Not so much, what you have lost, or if you left a will.
    Life is what you make it, and each person has a choice;
    It's what you say, and you believe, expressed by your own voice.
    It's what we hold in our regard, that's in the final plan;
    Determined by our faith, and trust, placed in a single man.
    So many things, oppress us all, most each and every day,
    We make the easy choices, so, to make things go our way.
    When we die, we wonder why, just Two places, we must go?
    God placed this person in his trust; this was so long ago.
    When the earth was divinely created, for us to live anfd grow,
    A book inspired, by special men, just so that we could know;
    t was special, in so many ways, to guide us day by day;
    It tells us not, to be deceived, by men placed in our way.
    It shares the history, of love and wars; promises we may take;
    We must be sincere, and never veer, God won't accept a fake.
    In him we choose, it's called 'good news' and so we have become;
    A child of God; to be with him, eternally, through his Son.
    Giving up his precious blood, that our souls then, could be won'
    Never trust your eternity, thats devised in plans, by man;
    in religious orders, or secret groups, where Satan has command.
    There is simply, one true plan, and None devised by man.
    If you don't choose--you've made your choice;
    for eternity it will stand.
    The church will soon be taken out; with their messiah, they will go;
    No one kno9ws the time nor hour, but prophecy does show,
    That things are fast developing; a new order will begin,
    when the righteous God, returns to earth, to judge the sin, of men.
    Think carefully, of where you stand, as your future looms ahead,
    Pick up this book, and take a look, before you end up dead,'
    You will never get a second chance, choose Jesus now instead!
     Before your chance, to sleep in it--you now can make your bed!

                                                           -les peoples

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    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    satch’s Poems (21)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Treehouse 3
    Nightmares 1
    Promises [ones you can believe] 1
    Scratch my Itch 0
    The blind Date 5
    Awesome' 1
    The Lake Walk 2
    Loves Choice 3
    The Coal Steam Locomotive 1
    Mans' Metamorphosis 5
    Story'oems 0
    Nakedness 2
    "Ragged Knees" 5
    A Sad Reality 5
    Harken 0
    Our World Today 2
    Miracles 7
    "Lonely" 3
    Flo 4
    "Hey there" 6
    "My Poem" 4