Growing Up


  • Life
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  • Family

    Growing Up

    Remember when you were still young

    And the world was so fresh and new

    Your life was a song yet to be sung

    Endless possibilities ahead for you


    Times then seemed to go by so slow

    Impatiently we wished to be grown

    Milestones passed as each day we would grow

    And too soon the nest we had flown


    As our list of things done began to climb

    Our youth is outgrown and then spent

    As we look back over this joyous time

    We ask where the years suddenly went


    Day to day worries upon us now press

    Where once life was so fun and carefree

    All phases must come to an end I guess

    Or new things couldn’t come to be


    Like finding a partner to share each day

    And children of our own to hold dear

    As we with these youngsters now sit and play

    The great circle of life becomes clear


    We now learn to see with a fresh pair of eyes

    Share our child’s discovery of wonder & joy

    Thus we finally learned to cherish & prize

    What we once had as a young girl or boy


    Of course to our children we are sure to say

    “Don’t rush, just enjoy being a kid”

    But they will want to grow up in a day

    Exactly the way we once did


    The years will pass but they will not see

    That the circle of life is moving on

    So focussed on growing up will they be

    They’ll never notice until childhood is gone


    The time to wonder and learn should not end

    Although you can’t help growing up one bit

    A child needs an adult upon which to depend

    And adults need to keep their inner child lit


    So I plead with all the ones growing up now

    Don’t wish carefree childhood away

    Those grown remember to stay young somehow

    All can strive to make the best of each day

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Nuzza’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Child's Eyes 1
    World's of Wonder! 1
    Time 0
    Sorry 0
    Nuzza Time! 0
    Numbers 0
    Growing Up 0
    Dawn 0
    Creating Rainbows 0
    Control 0
    The Australian Way 0
    All or Nothing 0
    The Greatest Pain 0
    Know Me 0
    Don't Worry 0
    Emotions, Logic, Thought, Reaction 0
    Dave 0
    Communication 0
    Can't Please Everyone 0
    Free To Be Me 0
    Unique Point of View 0
    Alone on an Island 0
    Possibilities 1
    Unsaid 0
    CATS 0
    I Smile When... 0
    A Friend 0
    CRICKET! 0
    Sea of Life 0
    Where Is The Good In Goodbye? 1