Unbridled Passion...


Unbridled Passion...

In thinking of you,
I unleash an unbridled passion
An abandoned feeling of intense desire…
In that, there are no words
To describe my passion for you—

If passion is the scent of jasmine,
Then let me adorn myself with your fragrance.
If passion becomes my sign of weakness,
From simply loving oh so much…
Then let my body be abused and crushed,
By your gentle yet delectable touch—

If passion is the rule for abeyance,
Then I’ll regard your desires and needs as,
My unspoken and unquestioned commands.
If passion is to sacrifice, then I’ll gladly do without;
And If passion is the color of indigo blue…
Let me adorn my canvas with the image of you—

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Shadowwalker commented on Unbridled Passion...


So well put. Love the way it flows. It's like you seek, have had and lost.

patlee commented on Unbridled Passion...


You write about everything you need to have a lasting relationship if you truly love someone. I believe whole heartedly in romance,and passion.

bustaryme commented on Unbridled Passion...


Vivd imagery jazzpoet. How you describe your affection for "her" is how every woman wants to be desired and romanced with just mere words. Words placed as delicately as this can get you "up thu dere!" :-) Keep painting.



bustaryme, after reading your compositions... i was truly touched by your talent and gifted heart. it means so very much to me for you, (a fellow poet) to read, appreciate and embrace my work. my life is writing, and you've truly inspired me to "keep painting." thejazzpoet

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Perhaps... 0
No Words Need to be Spoken 0
I Thirst For You... 3
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September 0
As You Journey Through The Depths Of My Soul… 4
Poetry... The Quiet World Within Me 5
My Journeys 1
Forbidden Rendezvous... 1
My Confession... 4
Unbridled Passion... 3
Loving You... 1
I Want To Love You, If Only For This Moment In Time... 6
Exploring The Possibilities
Completeness; In Search Of 2
Have You Ever Wondered... 3
Notes To Myself... 1
For You Were Always There... 4
The Abyss of Love... 1
To Covet You From Afar... 2
Loving You... 1
In Meeting A Stranger, I Found A Friend... 4
One's Sacrafice For Love 4