Have You Ever Wondered...


Have You Ever Wondered...

Ever wonder what it would be like to meet someone that you enjoy just being yourself with?

Ever wonder what it would be like to get to know someone who seeks your inner beauty as well as appreciating your outer beauty?

Ever wonder what it would be like to meet someone who perhaps feels the same as you?

Ever wonder how it would be to meet someone who feels they are capable and committed to reaching common ground? 

Have you ever wondered about falling in love again?

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aliciagall commented on Have You Ever Wondered...


You have a way with words but why Falling in LOVE AGAIN? and not just Falling in LOVE? I wonder about the man behind the mask. I often wonder about love, the meaning, the feeling, the substance of, but does love ever wonder of me, my yearning, my passion, my suffering? I am here, in all my splender, love me tender and deep within, so I'll never wonder about falling in love again...



aliciagall, your reflection of love gave me reason for pause... after the introductions, the deliberate compliments, the nervous accadential touchings and the subtle notions of two strangers; what does it really take to reach that level beyond splendor? oh, to dream of love is one thing... to experience love exposes all my virtues and vulnability, sometimes i wonder if it is worth it... thanks for reminding me that sometimes love can be beautiful. thejazzpoet

Wakeitha commented on Have You Ever Wondered...


Your poems are so beautiful and touch a womans heart. Your poems bring tears to my eyes because they are so real. If only all men can feel theway you write.



thank you so much, i truly appreciate your comments. although, being able to communicate beautiful words, does not always translate into treating that lady with the same beautiful intentions... love is sometimes hard to express one-on-one. thejazzpoet

patlee commented on Have You Ever Wondered...


This is so on point i wonder about these things all the time.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Perhaps... 0
No Words Need to be Spoken 0
I Thirst For You... 3
Subtle Thoughts… 2
September 0
As You Journey Through The Depths Of My Soul… 4
Poetry... The Quiet World Within Me 5
My Journeys 1
Forbidden Rendezvous... 1
My Confession... 4
Unbridled Passion... 3
Loving You... 1
I Want To Love You, If Only For This Moment In Time... 6
Exploring The Possibilities
Completeness; In Search Of 2
Have You Ever Wondered... 3
Notes To Myself... 1
For You Were Always There... 4
The Abyss of Love... 1
To Covet You From Afar... 2
Loving You... 1
In Meeting A Stranger, I Found A Friend... 4
One's Sacrafice For Love 4