I Thirst For You...


Poem Commentary

To thirst for love, is to come to the understanding that love was not to be manipulated, love should have not been compromise; and lovewas suppose to be the synergy of two—

I Thirst For You...

I thirst for you, like a tree thirsts for rain...
For you gently replenish my soul with nourishment,
Cleansing the depths of my heart, easing my sorrow and pain 
I need you, as the rose depends on the warmth of the sun
Reaching for your radiant beams which caress me softly...
Basking in your abundant glow… bringing splendor to my cloudy spirit
I desire you, like a gentle breeze becoming overwhelmed by the storm
Helplessly, I surrender to your relentless power, an unbridled willingness
With you, I become free, and drift effortlessly to a place of sameness,
And as a leaf in the wind, I'm released into a calmness, 
The essence of you, exposes my nakedness...
And, my secret desire to experience the rapture of you.

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jtlove commented on I Thirst For You...


That sounds great but are you married? For two people to really become one they 'marry' one another. Are you already preparing your heart for your love or are you just a giggilo? Just wondering. Because if you aren't marriage minded before you embark on your journey of a lifetime it will probably be disastrous. And after that beautiful passsionate write I would hate to see that happen.



my dear poet... i truly embrace your words, thoughts and opinion; no i am not married at this time, but i have been so blessed to be... that is why i can express heartfelt love and desire, after a painful loss. thejazzpoet

DeepEclipse commented on I Thirst For You...


Damn powerful. Emotional. Passionate. Softly spoken in fierce honest expression.



i thank you, the composition of the poem was easy because the journey was painful and most regrettable, having to gain the understanding and respect of one's emotions can be very costly. thejazzpoet

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

thejazzpoet’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
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I Thirst For You... 3
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The Abyss of Love... 1
To Covet You From Afar... 2
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